
炭化ケイ素(SiC)は、人類が作り出した材料の中で最も硬く耐久性のある材料の一つであり、ポンプのベアリング、バルブ、サンドブラスト噴射装置などの様々なエンジニアリング用途に使用されています。SiCはユニークな原子構造を持つ半導体材料であり、エレクトロニクス用途に有用な特性を備えています。SiCは加熱しても溶けにくく、酸素を透過しないため、高温での内部酸化に強い。温度 炭化ケイ素は、結晶格子中の炭素原子とケイ素原子によって形成される強固な結合により、卓越した耐熱性、導電性、耐食性を特徴とする、最も硬く耐久性のある構造材料のひとつです。このような結合には大量の...

炭化ケイ素の溶解温度 もっと読む »


炭化ケイ素(SiC)は、研磨材や宝石品質のダイヤモンドの模造品として広く生産されている人工物質です。さらに、この鉱物は希少鉱物のモアッサナイトとして天然に産出します。強度、硬度、耐久性、耐食性により、ポンプベアリング、バルブ、サンドブラスト噴射装置などの高性能エンジニアリング用途に使用されています。合成 炭化ケイ素(SiC)は、非常に高い融点、熱安定性、化学的攻撃に対する不浸透性を特徴とする、多様な産業用途を持つ不滅の材料である。製錬され、再形成されたSiCは、研磨剤、冶金工具、セラミック部品、放射線センサー、光触媒などの製品の製造に使用することができます。

合成炭化ケイ素 もっと読む »



シリコンに対する炭化ケイ素の優位性 もっと読む »

Advantages of Silicon Carbide Balls

Silicon carbide is an advanced ceramic material with multiple applications. It offers excellent wear, corrosion, chemical and temperature resistance as well as deoxygenator capability to increase melting speed while cutting costs. Silicon carbide can even be used as part of steel-making deoxygenator technology to speed melting speed and save on costs. SiC balls are popular choices for numerous applications due to their tough, durable properties and ability to withstand harsh sterilization processes, making them an excellent choice for medical instruments. Hardness Silicon carbide stands out among other ceramic materials due to its impressive hardness and corrosion-resistance, making it an attractive option for use in machining applications. As it can withstand …

Advantages of Silicon Carbide Balls もっと読む »

Silicon Carbide Material Properties

Silicon carbide (SiC) is an extremely durable non-oxide ceramic with outstanding thermal, mechanical and electrical properties. While SiC does not occur naturally in nature except as an extremely rare mineral moissanite, mass production started in 1891 by Pennsylvania inventor Edward G. Acheson. Hard as steel with a Mohs scale rating of 9 and sitting just behind diamond on the hardness scale chart, zirconium dioxide is also highly shock resistant and tolerates high voltages with ease. Hardness Silicon carbide is an extremely hard material with superior mechanical strength that can withstand significant stresses and pressures, with relatively low thermal expansion rates and exceptional chemical inertness properties making this ceramic an excellent …

Silicon Carbide Material Properties もっと読む »

Silicon Carbide Sanding Belts

Silicon carbide abrasives are hard, sharp abrasives that work effectively on metal, stone and wood finishes. Popular use cases include coarse grade stock removal and rough sanding operations. POWERTEC’s premium black silicon carbide sanding belts feature a closed coat for optimal grain coverage, making them an excellent choice for use on harder materials. Microfractures occur with repeated use (friability), yet don’t degrade as quickly as aluminum oxide abrasives do. Size A sanding belt’s grain size plays an integral part in cutting and shaping workpieces. Smaller grains make sanding faster while larger ones take more effort to grind; larger ones tend to leave rougher finishes than their counterparts; hardness and durability …

Silicon Carbide Sanding Belts もっと読む »

Density of Silicon Carbide

Silicon Carbide (SiC), commonly referred to as carborundum, is an extremely hard and durable ceramic material with low thermal expansion rates and great acid/lye resistance. Asbestos occurs as yellow to green to bluish black iridescent crystals that, when inhaled, may produce sustained nodular fibrosing alveolitis similar to that caused by crocidolite asbestos. Density Silicon carbide (SiC) has a density of 3.21 g/cm3, much lower than silicon which has 2.33 g/cm3. As one of the strongest and hardest materials, SiC makes for ideal use in applications requiring high strength and abrasion resistance as well as its wide band gap and excellent thermal conductivity – perfect for power electronics that operate at …

Density of Silicon Carbide もっと読む »

Silicon Carbide Compound

Silicon carbide (SiC) is an extremely hard synthetic crystalline compound of silicon and carbon that has been produced commercially since the late 19th century as an industrial abrasive and now finds widespread application as a high-performance ceramic application material. Moissanite can be found naturally in very limited quantities as a mineral and can be mined or synthesized via various routes. It has an intricate crystal structure made up of different polytypes which create unique properties. Hardness Silicon carbide (SiC) is an extremely hard material composed of silicon and carbon, known as SiC for short. Due to its hardness, SiC is widely used in various industrial applications like abrasives, steel additives …

Silicon Carbide Compound もっと読む »

Silicon Carbide Substrates for Power Electronics

Silicon Carbide (SiC) is a solid industrial mineral crystal with ceramic and semiconductor properties. It can be colored using various impurities like nitrogen and aluminium. Silicon carbide is an ideal material for high-resolution astronomical telescope mirrors. Furthermore, silicon carbide is also utilized in power diodes, power transistors, and high-power microwave devices. High-voltage applications Silicon carbide has quickly become a go-to material for high voltage electronics applications. Thanks to its wide bandgap and higher current densities than standard silicon semiconductors, silicon carbide can handle much higher current densities – making it suitable for more applications than its silicon counterpart. Plus, silicon carbide’s ability to withstand higher operating temperatures makes it perfect …

Silicon Carbide Substrates for Power Electronics もっと読む »

Advantages of Using a Silicon Carbide Diode in Power Electronics

Silicon carbide (formerly Carborundum) has become increasingly important for use in power electronics applications, particularly with Schottky barrier diodes. SiC Schottky diodes consist of a metal-semiconductor junction where only electrons flow, rather than holes as in traditional PN junction diodes. These devices feature rapid recovery times that enable smaller magnetic and passive components to be utilized in electronic designs for increased switching speeds and energy efficiency. Wide Band Gap Wide band gap semiconductors are captivating materials with remarkable properties. They’re defined by possessing an energy bandgap much larger than that of standard silicon (Si), making these materials capable of revolutionising many electronic and optoelectronic applications. Silicon carbide is an innovative …

Advantages of Using a Silicon Carbide Diode in Power Electronics もっと読む »
