The Crystal Structure of Silicon Carbide

Silicon carbide is an impressive polycrystalline material with incredible strength and resistance to deformation, due to the combination of Si and C atoms in a crystal lattice arrangement. Silicon carbide comes in various structures and polytypes; its most prevalent form being alpha a-silicon carbide (a-SiC). Other varieties of SiC include hexagonal b-silicon carbide and cubic wurtzite a-SiC. It is a polycrystalline material Silicon carbide, commonly referred to as SiC, is a polycrystalline material with several applications. Due to its low thermal expansion rate, high mechanical strength, and superior electrical conductivity, SiC is used as a heat sink and in semiconductor devices; more recently it has also reemerged as an important …

The Crystal Structure of Silicon Carbide もっと読む »

White Silicon Carbide – The Crown Jewel of Nice Abrasive’s Product Line

White silicon carbide stands out in the world of abrasives like an eye-catching gemstone, and Nice Abrasive is proud to be an industry leader when it comes to producing it. At Nice Abrasive, we are dedicated to excellence when producing this remarkable material and are leading producers. This blasting media is composed of hard, blocky grains that break down continuously into new cutting edges. It is iron-free, non-toxic, and safe for use in sandblast cabinets. Superior Hardness White silicon carbide stands out among abrasive materials with its remarkable hardness, chemical inertness and thermal conductivity properties – qualities which make it an invaluable material in industrial applications ranging from precise grinding …

White Silicon Carbide – The Crown Jewel of Nice Abrasive’s Product Line もっと読む »

Silicon Carbide Semiconductor Companies

Silicon carbide semiconductors have gained increasing recognition across a range of applications due to their reduced switching losses and higher efficiency, in addition to greater reliability at higher temperatures and voltages. Major players in the industry are developing technological innovations to strengthen their position in the market. Allegro diodes and MOSFETs, for instance, reduce switching loss at data centers and EV charging stations. Fiven Fiven is an industry leader in producing silicon carbide. Their products can be found across a wide array of industries and applications; Fiven produces powders and grains used for technical ceramics as well as composite materials; additionally they serve as raw material for power semiconductors and …

Silicon Carbide Semiconductor Companies もっと読む »

Silicon Carbide Vs Silicon Silicon

Silicon Carbide (SiC) is an extremely hard, synthetically produced compound of silicon and carbon that’s often used as an abrasive for grinding wheels, cutting tools, refractory materials for furnaces, detector diodes in early radios as well as being an excellent insulator. Electron device manufacturers are increasingly turning to silicon-based semiconductors as an option for electric vehicle (EV) power electronics applications due to its superior performance and wider bandgap. Wider Bandgap Silicon carbide’s wide bandgap allows electrons to move more smoothly from its valence bands into its conduction bands, contributing to its ability to withstand higher electric fields than silicon semiconductors and make it more resistant to thermal stress, thus decreasing …

Silicon Carbide Vs Silicon Silicon もっと読む »

Silicon Carbide Battery Vs Lithium Ion Battery

Silicon has long been considered an attractive material for batteries due to its ability to contain 10 times more lithium ions than graphite; however, one drawback with silicon lies in its 3x volume expansion upon taking in lithium ions. Mechanical stresses result in damage to the solid electrolyte interface (SEI), shortening its lifespan. Solving this challenge is key to unlocking demand for battery-powered cars, drones and consumer electronics. Higher Energy Density Silicon carbide is an extremely wide-bandgap material with the potential to significantly increase battery energy density. It can handle much higher voltages than silicon, as well as temperatures that would cause silicon to expand under pressure. Furthermore, silicon carbide …

Silicon Carbide Battery Vs Lithium Ion Battery もっと読む »

Advantages of Silicon Carbide Diodes

Silicon carbide (SiC) is a wide bandgap semiconductor found naturally as moissanite jewels and mass produced as powder or crystal to be used as an abrasive. SiC Schottky Diodes are ideal for power conversion applications, providing advantages over conventional silicon diodes. Read on to discover their key benefits:. Faster switching speed Silicon unipolar diodes have an upper limit of 150 V due to their high on-state resistance and leakage current; in comparison, SiC Schottky diodes offer much lower specific on-state resistance and much higher blocking voltage, providing faster switching speed in power electronics devices. SiC is known for its wide bandgap that allows transistors to easily handle higher electric fields, …

Advantages of Silicon Carbide Diodes もっと読む »

Silicon Carbide Power Devices

Silicon carbide (SiC) is a wide bandgap semiconductor found naturally as moissanite and mass produced since 1893 as powder and crystal forms. Wolfspeed’s SiC products and expertise enable designers to craft lighter, smaller industrial power designs using less energy for better efficiency. High efficiency Silicon is widely considered to be the go-to semiconductor material in electronic devices, yet is beginning to reach its limits when dealing with higher power applications that demand higher temperatures, voltages and speeds. For these high-powered applications, wide bandgap materials like silicon carbide (SiC) or gallium nitride (GaN) offer better performance in power electronics devices. SiC power devices offer greater energy efficiency compared to their silicon …

Silicon Carbide Power Devices もっと読む »

Silicon Carbide Vs Gallium Nitride

Silicon carbide and gallium nitride (GaN) represent the next wave of power semiconductors. These WBG materials are revolutionizing industry with increased efficiency, smaller size and lower costs associated with high performance power electronics. Politicians should instead place greater focus on strengthening global gallium supply chains to ensure the United States remains competitive on an international market. This will allow companies from different nations to come together and keep costs competitive for future GaN epitaxy production here at home. Wider Bandgap Band gaps in semiconductor materials measure the energy required for electrons and holes to switch from their valence band to conduction band, or vice versa. Silicon has an energy requirement …

Silicon Carbide Vs Gallium Nitride もっと読む »

Silicon Carbide Powders

Silicon carbide abrasive material is widely employed in modern lapidary. Additionally, silicon carbide serves as an integral raw material in manufacturing advanced ceramics and refractories. Carborundum occurs naturally only in trace amounts as the mineral moissanite, so its commercial production began with Edward Acheson in 1891. Hardness Silicon carbide is one of the hardest natural compounds available, boasting an exceptional Mohs hardness of 13. This exceptional hardness enables silicon carbide to resist abrasion, wear and other mechanical stresses; in turn its strength and stiffness make it ideal for components in demanding environments with high mechanical loads and temperatures. Silicon carbide’s hardness can be attributed to its unique crystal structure: tightly …

Silicon Carbide Powders もっと読む »

Silicon Carbide Grip Enhancement

Silicon carbide provides the ultimate grip enhancement. When applied, its surface texture creates greater friction between your hands and gun frame for enhanced control and greater comfort. We provide various textures including 120 grit (black), which feels similar to 120 grit sandpaper and is suitable for competition use. In addition, we also offer 60 grit texture which is less aggressive and ideal for beginners. Increased Friction Grip strength is one of the primary factors determining accuracy for shooters. There are various techniques used to increase grip friction, including stippling guns and applying grip tape or creams such as pro grip. While these solutions work temporarily, over extended use they wear …

Silicon Carbide Grip Enhancement もっと読む »
