
Silicon Carbide Definition

Silicon carbide (SiC) is an ultra-hard non-oxide ceramic with distinct properties and applications, first discovered in 1891 by American inventor Edward G. Acheson while trying to produce artificial diamonds. SiC is typically an insulator in its pure state but can exhibit semi-conductivity through controlled doping. A wide bandgap material like SiC can move electrical energy more efficiently than traditional semiconductors. Origin Silicon carbide (SiC) is a hard, brittle compound of carbon and silicon with the chemical formula SiC. This material occurs naturally as the mineral moissanite but has been mass produced as an abrasive since 1893. Grains of this material can be fused together using sintering to produce very hard …

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Silicon Carbide Formula

Silicon carbide (also referred to as silicon carbonitride or SiC) is a green to bluish black crystalline compound composed of silicon and carbon found naturally as moissanite gem but since 1891 has also been produced synthetically for use as an abrasive in grinding wheels and cutting tools. Quartz is an extremely hard material with a Mohs scale rating of 9. It comes in many polymorphs and can be doped with nitrogen, boron and aluminium for use as semiconductor material. Physical Silicon carbide (SiC) is an extremely hard and durable synthetically manufactured crystalline compound of silicon and carbon, used widely in applications ranging from sandpaper and grinding wheels, industrial furnace linings, …

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Silicon Carbide Grip

Grip stippling and grip tape both have their place, but over time they become less effective at providing maximum comfort or gripping surface. Silicon carbide provides a reliable and lasting solution to this problem when applied correctly. Black Silicon Carbide (commonly referred to as carborundum) is a hard, angular abrasive material with unique properties: over time it breaks down while simultaneously unveiling sharp cutting edges, making it perfect for rock tumbling applications. 1. Increased Friction Silicon carbide (SiC) is an extremely hard, angular crystalline form of silicon and carbon with a Mohs hardness rating of 9.1. Its uses include as an abrasive in wheel, slurry and refractory applications due to …

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Silicon carbide (also referred to as carborundum) is an inorganic chemical compound found naturally only in very limited quantities as moissanite but has been mass produced as powder and crystal since 1893 as an abrasive. It boasts excellent corrosion and wear resistance as well as low thermal expansion coefficient and excellent chemical stability, making it highly prized by industry. High-temperature strength Silicon carbide ceramic stands out as one of the hardest and most durable ceramic materials, easily withstanding high temperatures without shattering under pressure. Thanks to this property, silicon carbide ceramic excels under extreme conditions – such as chemical corrosion or thermal shock – making it the ideal material for …

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Silicon Carbide Abrasive Wheel

Silicon carbide is a hard, dense material used for grinding materials that do not react with carbon, such as glass, ceramics and non-ferrous metals. Due to its low impurity levels it also makes an ideal candidate for semiconductor applications. Aluminum oxide sanding belts excel at working on materials with high tensile strength, such as stainless steel and certain high-tensile bronze and aluminum alloys. Their closed coat provides optimal grain coverage. 1. High abrasion resistance Silicon carbide is an extremely hard and resilient ceramic material, second only in terms of hardness to diamond, cubic boron nitride and tungsten carbide – making it the ideal material for harsh grinding applications and chemical …

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Silicon Carbide Grinding Stone

Grinding stones are essential tools in many projects. Available in various structures to meet individual application needs, these grinding stones come in handy and should never be underestimated as an indispensable asset in the toolbox. Green silicon carbide abrasive is one of the most frequently used in grinding wheels, as it features hard and brittle properties with excellent thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion rates. High Hardness Silicon carbide (SiC), commonly used as an abrasive material, is an inorganic chemical compound containing silicon and carbon. Although naturally present as moissanite mineral, SiC has been mass produced since 1893 for use as grinding powders or blasting media. Green silicon carbide grinding …

Silicon Carbide Grinding Stone もっと読む »


Silicon carbide sandpaper is an exceptionally long-wearing abrasive that’s designed for use in sanding painted materials and automotive bodywork. Its heat resistance prevents thermal degradation during demanding sanding operations, helping reduce clogging while prolonging its lifespan. This product comes with various grit sizes to meet a range of projects, from delicate veneer sanding to dense hardwood sanding. Additionally, its cloth or water-resistant paper backing makes it suitable for use with lubricants. Stable Abrasive Properties Silicon carbide sandpaper is composed of hard, sharp grit particles. Due to its long-term durability, silicon carbide sandpaper can withstand repeated use without needing frequent replacements – guaranteeing lasting performance while saving money from frequent replacement …

炭化ケイ素サンドペーパー もっと読む »

Why Silicon Carbide Is the Best Blast Media

Black silicon carbide (commonly referred to as carborundum) is an ideal blasting media choice, offering maximum hardness and recycling capability while still offering quality service. At 9.5 on the Mohs scale, only diamond and boron carbide are harder than this material – making it perfect for nonferrous and hard materials such as ceramics, glass and stone. Hardness Silicon carbide is an extremely hard and long-wearing ceramic material, ideal for blasting away rust from surfaces at high speeds with specialized machinery. Not only does its hardness ensure an even surface but its narrow pointed edges also etch away soft materials quickly. Rodeco provides many forms of silicon carbide blast media that …

Why Silicon Carbide Is the Best Blast Media もっと読む »

Silicon Carbide Stone

Silicon carbide stones are popularly used to sharpen hard stainless steel knives quickly and aggressively due to their faster sharpening time and more durable grit that doesn’t dish easily. High carbon steels will generally not pose any problems for most stone types, including natural Arkansas stones and aluminum oxide stones; however, some steels require more specific solutions. Grit A sharpening stone’s grit rating measures its coarseness or fineness and effectiveness at creating a cutting edge. A lower grit stone will suffice for roughing out initial cuts while higher-grit stones provide greater opportunities for refining and polishing cutting edges. Green silicon carbide (GSC) is the go-to material for grinding stones. Produced …

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LO-MASS Kiln Furniture Components Leverage the Superior Mechanical Properties of Silicon Carbide

LO-MASS kiln furniture components take full advantage of silicon carbide’s exceptional properties to offer long-term refractory solutions that outlive conventional materials. Their exceptional strength, durability, and lightweight nature allows for shorter heating/cooling cycles which reduce energy usage while increasing overall kiln efficiency. Advancer shelves are nitride bonded and designed for use in soda, gas reduction, wood and electric kilns. Their thin and lightweight nature allow more stacking space within your kiln than with conventional oxide bonded shelves, giving your stacking system increased efficiency. 1. Strength Silicon carbide retains much of its mechanical strength at high temperatures, enabling it to be used in shelves designed to carry heavy loads. Furthermore, silicon …

LO-MASS Kiln Furniture Components Leverage the Superior Mechanical Properties of Silicon Carbide もっと読む »
