
Types of Silicon Carbide Coating

Silicon carbide coatings provide an impervious barrier that protects graphite components used for MOCVD, EPI and semiconductor manufacturing from oxidation and chemicals. CGT Carbon’s PERMA KOTETM high purity silicon carbide coating protects graphite components used in MOCVD, EPI and semiconductor production environments. Coating preparation methods must be carefully chosen based on performance requirements and substrate characteristics. Below are a few popular choices: Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is one of the most versatile and effective means for creating thin-film coatings, producing pure, adhesive and durable films that adhere to substrates with complex geometries or structures. CVD differs from physical vapor deposition (PVD) in that its chemical reaction …

Types of Silicon Carbide Coating もっと読む »

How to Make Silicon Carbide

Silicon carbide, an extremely strong mechanical material used across numerous industrial applications, is increasingly being utilized. Its hardness surpasses that of its rival tungsten carbide. Most silicon carbide is produced using the Acheson Process, created accidentally by Edward Goodrich Acheson while trying to produce synthetic diamonds. It is the easiest and simplest way of producing SiC. The Acheson Process Silicon carbide production worldwide relies heavily on an age-old technique known as the Acheson Process. Under this method, pure silica sand and coke are combined at high temperature conditions in an electric furnace before reacting with each other to form silicon carbide. Silicon carbide (SiC) is an outstanding ceramic material. Its …

How to Make Silicon Carbide もっと読む »

Silicon Carbide Tiles

Silicon carbide is an exceptionally resilient material, capable of withstanding high temperatures without disintegrating, as well as boasting exceptional chemical stability and castable properties. Neutron strain scanning allowed researchers to quickly and precisely measure elastic strain in circular ceramic samples under controlled conditions, with measurements taking place along one direction (normal to the surface) for maximum neutron absorption. Extremely Durable Silicon carbide (also referred to as carborundum) is one of the hardest, lightest, strongest and most durable advanced ceramic materials available today. Found naturally as moissanite mineral in nature but mass-produced since 1893 as powder for use as an abrasive or other applications such as car brakes or bulletproof vests. …

Silicon Carbide Tiles もっと読む »

Aluminum Oxide Vs Silicon Carbide Sandpaper

People frequently start by rough sanding raw woods or metal with aluminum oxide abrasives before moving on to silicon carbide for light pressure sanding between coats. Nonwoven abrasives like belts, discs, and wheels often contain both materials. Zirconia lasts longer and is more friable than aluminum oxide, yet comes at a premium cost. It works great on metals and rough surfaces such as polishing automotive parts, removing rust from wood floors, deburring metal parts, or smoothing glass edges – providing lasting solutions at competitive prices. Hardness Silicon carbide is a much harder and more durable abrasive grain than aluminum oxide, making it perfect for rough sanding materials such as paint, …

Aluminum Oxide Vs Silicon Carbide Sandpaper もっと読む »

Different Types of 3D Printing Materials

Silicon Carbide (SiC) is an exceptionally durable ceramic material, boasting superior thermal stability, electrical conductivity, chemical resistance, extreme hardness, low expansion rates and being ideal for space telescope mirrors. Schunk Carbon Technology has developed an innovative process for 3D printing with silicon carbide that offers greater design freedom and increased reliability. Binder jetting Binder jetting is a 3D printing technique that employs liquid binder to fuse powder particles together, providing an economical yet eco-friendly 3D printing option for parts with complex geometries and difficult-to-reach surfaces. Binder jetting also produces parts much faster than traditional industrial 3D printing methods and requires fewer processing steps, saving both time and resources during production. …

Different Types of 3D Printing Materials もっと読む »

Silicon Carbide Knife

Silicon carbide knives offer several advantages over natural or aluminum oxide sharpening stones, which require constant water lubrication while sharpening. Carborundum (also referred to as green silicon carbide or SiC) is an abrasive material often used for sharpening, deburring and cleaning precious metals and gemstones. Hardness Silicon Carbide (SiC) is an incomparably hard material composed of carbon and silicon atoms that stands out as one of the hardest materials available today. Due to its ability to withstand extreme conditions like high temperatures and chemical corrosion, SiC has become an indispensable material in modern technology and industrial settings – hence why Advanced Ceramic Materials (ACM) plays such an integral part as …

Silicon Carbide Knife もっと読む »

Silicon Carbide Seal Vs Tungsten Carbide Seal

Tungsten carbide mechanical seals were once the go-to choice, but have since been overshadowed by silicon carbide’s rising popularity. This blog will compare both types and highlight its numerous advantages over its counterpart tungsten carbide mechanical seals. Advantages of this unique material include its premium hardness rating of 9.5 on the Mohs scale, exceptional corrosion resistance, low coefficients of friction and thermal expansion, as well as its exceptional hardness. High Hardness Silicon Carbide (SiC) is one of the hardest materials available for seal faces. This hardness contributes to its exceptional wear resistance and durability, enabling it to withstand high temperatures and frequent movement while remaining chemically inert for use with …

Silicon Carbide Seal Vs Tungsten Carbide Seal もっと読む »

Alpha Silicon Carbide

Alpha silicon carbide, a hard chemical compound with a hexagonal crystal structure, is often used as an insulation material and in refractories. Due to its density and self-sharpening capabilities, alpha silicon carbide also makes an excellent material for wire sawing applications. Due to its low neutron cross-section and resistance to radiation damage, silicon carbide makes an excellent material choice for nuclear reactor applications and telescope mirrors. Furthermore, silicon carbide makes an attractive material choice when applied as mirror material for astronomical telescopes. Characteristics Silicon carbide is a hard, resilient material designed to withstand high temperatures, pressures and vibration. With an extremely low thermal expansion rate and long-term use in acid, …

Alpha Silicon Carbide もっと読む »

The Synthesis of Silicon Carbide

Silicon carbide (SiC) is one of the world’s premier ceramic materials with numerous industrial applications due to its superior thermal and chemical stability. SiC boasts many desirable characteristics such as high strength and hardness, corrosion resistance, refractoriness and great wear resistance – qualities which have led to widespread adoption worldwide. Edward Goodrich Acheson first synthesized moissanite in 1891 during an attempt to create artificial diamonds, and its natural source is the Canyon Diablo meteorite in Arizona where it’s known by the mineral name moissanite. Chemical Reactions Silicon Carbide (SiC) is a chemical compound made of silicon and carbon that forms an extremely hard hexagonal crystal structure. When in its purest …

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Silicon Carbide Parts

Silicon Carbide (SiC) is an extremely hard crystalline compound composed of silicon and carbon that occurs both naturally as moissanite mineral, as well as being manufactured synthetically as an abrasive. Produced from powder that has been mixed with non-oxide sintering aids, extrusion or cold isostatic pressing (plates and blocks) is used to shape it. This process provides ultimate corrosion resistance, hardness and high strength properties to the material produced. High thermal conductivity Silicon Carbide (SiC) is one of the hardest and most resilient ceramic materials. Combining extreme hardness with excellent chemical stability, high resistance to acids and alkalis and thermal conductivity. Furthermore, SiC offers excellent corrosion, abrasion and erosion resistance …

Silicon Carbide Parts もっと読む »
