
Silicon carbide (SiC) is an important industrial material. With hardness comparable to diamond, SiC is utilized in applications including abrasives, refractories and ceramics thanks to its tough properties.

SiC’s chemical formula can be found here. When dealing with chemical reactions, it is critical that we accurately convert reactant and product moles to moles for accurate calculations.

Chemical Formula

Silicon carbide, commonly referred to as carborundum (pronounced karbrndm), is an inorganic chemical compound composed of silicon and carbon with the formula SiC. Found naturally as moissanite mineral first discovered at Canyon Diablo meteor crater in Arizona in 1893 and synthesized since as a powder for use as an abrasive since that time, grains of it can also be fused together using sintering to create very hard ceramic plates such as those found on bulletproof vest plates as well as used on metal cutting tools or as refractory linings for furnaces refractoriness linings for furnaces refractoriness refractoriness refractoriness; while doping can produce either ann-type silicon carbide or beryllium-boron or aluminium doped versions, respectively.

Silicon carbide has an average enthalpy of formation of 1124.9 kJ/mol and can be produced via high-temperature reactions of pure silica sand (quartz) with coke. Reactants may also include salt and ground saw dust for air injection purposes in an electric furnace to facilitate easy breaking apart of the mixture. Once formed, silicon carbide typically forms yellow to green to bluish-black crystals that are insoluble in water or alkali solutions but soluble in hydrofluoric acid and strong bases like concentrated sodium hydroxide solutions.

Copper alloy is highly refractory material with a melting point of 2700 degrees Celsius and very little thermal expansion. Furthermore, its tough and durable nature rivals that of some steels in terms of tensile strength. Chemical resistance includes acids and steam environments; however, it corrodes rapidly when exposed to air at higher temperatures. Furthermore, it is toxic for respiratory tract health in both liquid and vapor forms; inhalation may lead to lung fibrosis. Silicon carbide may alter the course of inhalation tuberculosis, leading to extensive fibrosis and progressive disease. Stardust and meteorites often contain carbonate as an abundant element, with evidence found in both. Carbonaceous chondrite meteorites in particular often show evidence of its abundance within their environment, possibly as byproduct of stellar nucleosynthesis processes.

Physical Formula

Silicon carbide (SiC) is a chemical compound composed of both silicon and carbon. First discovered in 1891 by Pennsylvanian Edward Acheson, Silicon Carbide is now one of the essential industrial ceramic materials. Used widely as steel additive, abrasive material or structural ceramic. Electrical properties of graphene are quite striking, varying by seven orders of magnitude depending on its composition and tough and durable with an Mohs hardness rating second only to diamond. Hydrofluoric acid-resistant glass is insoluble in water, alcohol and most organic acids except hydrofluoric acid. Its strength and durability come from its tight covalent silicon/carbon structures held together with tightly packed tetrahedral silicon/carbon atoms in its crystal lattice.

SiC is a wide band gap semiconductor material, with an energy gap of 3.26eV. This allows SiC to operate at higher voltages than other materials and withstand much higher temperatures without becoming compromised – giving rise to many applications such as power semiconductors, transistors and diodes that use it in high temperature environments.

SiC is relatively rare on Earth but abundant in space as an abundant form of stardust created near carbon-rich stars. Examples have been discovered within primitive meteorites in their original condition and its isotopic ratios have revealed its origin beyond our solar system.

SiC is produced through reacting silica sand (quartz) with carbon in an electric furnace at high temperatures, producing a powder that can then be fused by sintering to form very hard ceramics that are used for applications that require high endurance such as car brakes and clutches as well as bulletproof vest plates. Large single crystals of SiC grown using Lely method can then be cut into gems known as synthetic moissanite gems. However, its dust and fibers may irritate eyes or upper respiratory tract as well as contributes towards lung fibrosis as well as cancer and possibly mesothelioma in humans.


Silicon carbide is an extremely hard and durable chemical compound composed of silicon (atomic number 14) and carbon (atomic number 6). It shares many properties with diamond, including its crystal structure consisting of four carbon atoms covalently bonding into a tetrahedron around one silicon atom in its center. As a result, an hexagonal chemical compound was produced with wide band-gap semiconductor properties and one of the highest known hardness values – second only to diamond and boron carbide – on Earth, making it suitable as both an abrasive material as well as mechanical seals and bearings. Synthetic carborundum with a Mohs hardness rating of 9 is often used as a cutting material and in ceramic interbody spinal fusion devices for cervical and thoracic spine surgery procedures.

Reaction-bonded SiC can be made using various processes, depending on its intended use. One such way involves mixing powdered Si and C together with plasticizer, then shaping it to form the desired shape before firing. Wear-resistant layers can be formed on metals through chemical vapour deposition (CVD), where volatile compounds react with hydrogen in an enclosed chamber before being depleted through chemical vapour deposition processes. For advanced electronic applications, large single crystals of silicon carbide can also be grown with Ley’s method and then cut to form wafers ready for fabrication into solid-state components using CVD processes; CVD results in wear-resistant layers to be grown on metals without chemical vapour deposition or CVD processes being required – perfect for CVD applications!

Silicon carbide transforms into a p-type semiconductor when doped with impurities like boron and aluminum, offering much lower voltage resistance than silicon. Gallium nitride outperforms it in circuits exceeding 1000V; therefore it may replace silicon in systems with higher voltage requirements. Silicon carbide has shown great promise as an electric vehicle battery material and could one day become an indispensable material.

Silicon carbide’s toughness also makes it ideal for use in bulletproof armor, allowing bullets to graze over it without penetrating as they would other body armour types. Unfortunately, due to this strength of silicon carbide it requires an especially powerful blade when cutting it – therefore it is advised that diamond-tipped saws be utilized.

Melting Point

Silicon carbide, commonly referred to by its chemical formula of SiC, is a synthetically produced, ultrahard crystalline compound composed of silicon and carbon. Since the late 19th century it has been utilized in products like sandpaper, grinding wheels, cutting tools and wear-resistant parts of pumps and rocket engines as well as semiconductor substrates used for light emitting diodes. Natural silicon carbide deposits were discovered within Canyon Diablo meteorite; this material has been named moissanite.

The Acheson Process was invented by American inventor Edward Charles Acheson in 1891 and remains one of the primary methods for mass producing silicon carbide abrasives. This technique involves placing finely ground silica sand with crushed coke into an electrical resistance-type furnace before passing an electric current through it as conductor – this causes an electrochemical reaction between silicon and carbon to occur that ultimately forms silicon carbide.

SiC is an ideal material for applications requiring high temperatures, due to its high melting point and wide temperature range. It does not react with air and can withstand heat, oxidation and radiation without degrading over time.

Due to its higher thermal conductivity than pure silicon, silicon-based electronic devices often include it. This high thermal conductivity enables silicon to be doped with nitrogen or phosphorus to create n-type semiconductors; or with beryllium, boron, aluminum or gallium dopings in order to produce p-type semiconductors – giving these semiconductors their characteristic bandgap between those of conductors and insulators that allows electrons to freely pass between them.

Silicon carbide’s unique structure contributes to its bandgap. Composed of layers of hexagonal platelets surrounded by triangular tetrahedra held together by weak intermolecular forces, silicon carbide has an energy gap between each electron’s valence band and conduction band that results in relatively smaller energy gaps than with other insulators like insulator glass or diamond. This results in lower melting and boiling points for silicon carbide than with such materials as these – an advantage which accounts for its lower melting/boiling points than these materials have over its counterparts like these insulators glass/diamond.
