The Structure of Silicon Carbide

Silicon carbide is one of the hardest synthetic materials, second only to diamond. Due to its incredible hardness, silicon carbide serves as the basis of long-wearing ceramic components used in automotive brakes and clutches as well as bulletproof vests.

Edward Acheson first synthesized artificial graphene in 1891 using carbon and silica sand combined in an electric graphite furnace. Natural instances can also be found within Canyon Diablo meteorite as transparent moissanite minerals.

Tetrahedral bonding

Silicon Carbide (SiC), first artificially synthesized in 1891 by Edward Acheson from Pennsylvania, has long been used as an industrial abrasive and structural ceramic material. SiC has proven particularly popular as an anti-abrasive compound with excellent wear resistance; therefore it finds widespread application as both an industrial abrasive and in structural ceramic applications. SiC’s tightly packed covalently bound atoms produce very strong covalent bonds (bond energy =4.6eV), providing applications especially in harsh environments; additionally these covalent bonds form strong tetrahedral bonds by sharing electron pairs from sp3 hybrid orbitals; these strong bonds between its corners to form polar formations in its structure that make this material.

Silicon carbide takes on many different forms, known as polytypes. Each has unique chemical composition and formation of tetrahedral bonding arrangements between their silicon and carbon atoms – giving the material unique properties.

Silicon carbide’s main microstructure changes with temperature decrease during solidification. At higher temperatures, its tetrahedral sp3 structure changes to planar sp2, due to shorter Si-C bond lengths than C-Si distance in bulk SiC.


Silicon carbide contains polytypes – crystal structures which appear in various proportions as the material grows – that have distinct properties that may alter electronic device performance. Common SiC polytypes include 4H and 6H which have multiple applications across many applications such as semiconductor devices.

Notation schemes exist for describing the crystal structure of polytypes, with Ramsdell notation being one such scheme that identifies it by layer repetition and crystal symmetry – this enables for compact yet informative descriptions without divulging its internal atomic structures. Another notable notation system is Zihl-Nelson symbol notation that identifies its constituent polytypes based on stacking sequence.

Silicon carbide contains numerous polytypes, of which only four hexagonal and six rhombohedral ones are of interest for technological applications (ABAB bilayer periodicity with hexagonal symmetry characterize 2H-SiC; other non-cubic polytypes may be labeled with H denotations, while those having mixed cubic and rhombohedral symmetry may use letters and numbers instead, such as 15R-SiC).

Crystallographic structure

Silicon carbide crystallizes in an intensely close-packed structure with each layer covalently bonded to its neighbours, creating an intricate tetrahedral network ranging from wurtzite (wurtz) to zinc-blende (4H-SiC). Each polytype can be identified by its specific stacking sequence of Si and C atoms – since lateral translations and rotations would not be feasible energetically, the layers become disorganized over time and lead to various structures.

Crystallographic structures can be described by their symmetry as defined by their atomic arrangement and principal axes’ length, width, and angles of the unit cell. Atoms in each unit cell are ordered according to chemical and geometric properties – in particular for silicon and carbon polytypes like 4H-SiC polytype, its arrangement has high symmetry.

Silicon carbide’s highly crystalline structure renders it highly resistant to chemical exposure, making it suitable for power electronics applications in which high temperatures must be tolerated. SiC is currently enjoying an unprecedented surge in popularity within power electronics due to its exceptional physical and electronic properties – its resistance against high temperatures makes it particularly useful as an alternative material for semiconductors and oxide ceramics that often lack high temperature resistance. Available with various polymorphic crystalline structures (4H-SiC being particularly suited for high power applications).


Silicon carbide, also referred to as “carborundum,” is an extremely hard and brittle material with many potential uses. Common examples include abrasives and cutting tools; structural materials (bulletproof vests and composite armor); automobile brake discs; lightning arresters; lightning arrester mirror material in telescopes; as well as mirror material used as mirror material. With its high melting point, low density, and sublimation temperature properties it makes an excellent choice for many high-temperature operations such as automobile brake discs or mirror material used as mirror material in telescopes.

Silicon and carbon in silicon carbide are joined through covalent bonds. Their electron pairs share in sp3 hybrid orbitals to form highly strong tetrahedral covalent bonds which give silicon carbide its unique and desirable properties.

Silicon carbide differs from silicon in that its band gap is wider, which allows it to withstand higher electric fields and operate at faster speeds. As such, its electrical properties make it an indispensable component for power electronics devices in harsh environments, particularly power conversion systems.

High melting point, low density, high sublimation temperature and excellent thermal conductivity all combine to make carbon fibre an invaluable addition in many different applications. It is highly resistant to corrosion while its chemical stability allows it to endure high temperatures for extended use; in addition, its superior thermal efficiency quickly dissipates frictional heat efficiently.
