Silicon Carbide Crucibles

Silicon carbide crucibles are ideal for metal smelting. Their higher shock resistance compares with traditional graphite crucibles and corrosion-resistance makes cleaning simpler than ever. They’re also lightweight and easy to transport between locations. Before using a crucible for melting, it must first be preheated and tempered – this can be accomplished either by placing it …

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Silicon Carbide Sand

Silicon carbide is an extremely hard, synthetically produced crystalline compound of silicon and carbon. Both friable (green) and regular (black) varieties of this material can be produced through heating silica sand with carbon, typically petroleum coke, in an open furnace called an “Acheson”. Razor-sharp grains make this tool suitable for easily sanding glass, plastic and …

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Чому карбід кремнію є найкращим матеріалом для силової електроніки та аерокосмічних застосувань

Карбід кремнію (SiC) - один з найкращих у світі широкозонних напівпровідників, який часто обирають для використання в силовій електроніці та аерокосмічній галузі, де потрібні надійні характеристики. Завдяки високій пробивній напрузі, ізоляційним властивостям та ефективній теплопровідності SiC забезпечує чудове керування живленням. Домішки відіграють важливу роль у формуванні електричних та оптичних ...

Чому карбід кремнію є найкращим матеріалом для силової електроніки та аерокосмічних застосувань Докладніше »

Silicon Carbide IGBT and Power MOSFETs

Silicon carbide igbt technology holds great promise to transform power systems by increasing efficiency, reliability and size. The wide bandgap material dissipates heat much more effectively while operating reliably at higher temperatures – as well as being capable of withstanding higher voltages and offering reliability at increased temperatures. An experimental system was devised and used …

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Glock Silicon Carbide Grip Coating

Silicon carbide is an exceptionally durable coating used in skateboard tape and some types of sandpaper that contributes to its distinctive gritty surface texture. As well as providing skaters with grippier surfaces, silicon carbide also gives firearms better traction for use during shooting practice. This process is quick, straightforward, and can be completed on virtually …

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Silicon Carbide Moistanite Gemstone

Silicon carbide moissanite is a rare gemstone named after French chemist Henri Moissan. He discovered it while studying meteorites in Arizona in 1893 and at first thought the tiny particles might be diamonds; but Moissan immediately recognized them as something new and different. Today, synthetic moissanite has become an increasingly popular alternative to diamond for …

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Silicon Carbide Jeremy Clarkson

Silicon Carbide by Jeremy Clarkson is an extremely hard, strong, lightweight technical ceramic material often used as an additive to steel or in applications where physical wear is primary factor. Available in various forms and sizes. Carborundum, commonly used as an abrasive material, occurs naturally as the rare mineral moissanite and can also serve as …

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Silicon Carbide – An Electrical Insulator With Unique Properties

Silicon carbide is an exciting material with exceptional properties, ranging from electrical insulation to conductivity depending on composition and fabrication process. Make it conductive by doping it with nitrogen, phosphorus, aluminium or boron; this allows it to be used in electronic devices like diodes and transistors. Characteristics Silicon carbide is an outstanding material with numerous …

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Застосування карбіду кремнію

Карбід кремнію - це сучасна кераміка, яка відома своєю міцністю, легкістю, хімічною інертністю і широко використовується в автомобілях та бронежилетах. Едвард Гудріч Ачесон вперше успішно синтезував його штучно в 1891 році, використовуючи порошкоподібний кокс і вуглець як сировину, використовуючи порошкоподібний кокс як вихідний матеріал і вуглецевий порошок ...

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Оксид алюмінію проти карбіду кремнію

Aluminum oxide is an ideal material choice for many applications, boasting an extended blast cycle life, the capacity to withstand higher pressures, and offering an appealing finish. Silicon Carbide can be used to shape brittle materials, making it an attractive option for artisans seeking to craft lasting works of art. Hardness Silicon carbide is one …

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