Grinding wheels consist of two key elements: abrasive grains that perform the cutting action and an adhesion bond that holds them all together. Their hardness and strength determine what types of tasks the wheel can complete.
Aluminum oxide abrasives are ideal for non-ferrous and low tensile strength materials like glass, stone and cork, while they can be combined with silicon carbide to rough sand metals such as stainless steel, aluminum and high tensile bronze alloys.
Silicon carbide is one of the hardest materials available and makes an excellent choice for grinding hard nonmetallic materials, ductile metals, ceramics, glass and concrete. Silicon carbide’s ability to cut through these materials and remove small abrasive chips (known as swarf) from grinding can save costs associated with disposal as these chips form when the cutting edge wears down, creating friction which generates heat that fractures abrasive grains from their bonds and causes further wear down on wheel cutting edges.
Material being ground should be the key factor when selecting a sanding or grinding wheel, and will influence what type of abrasive grain and grade is best suited. Aluminum oxide wheels tend to work best on ferrous metals such as high tensile steels; while silicon carbide wheels excel at grinding non-ferrous metals such as copper or fused alloy steels.
General-purpose silicon carbide wheels are perfect for grinding nonferrous metals and hard nonmetals such as stone, ceramics and glass. It also works well on soft metals such as ductile or soft alloy steels, cast iron and aluminum. Finally, this wheel type can remove “gummy” coatings that clog other types of wheels’ pores.
Silicon carbide is a popular component in blasting media used to strip metal surfaces of contaminants such as rust and paint. Furthermore, silicon carbide can also be utilized for etching glass surfaces as well as grinding ceramic components into shape.
Hardness or grade of grinding wheels is determined by the strength of bond that holds together its abrasive grains, designated with letters on its front face ranging from E (soft bond) to U (hard bond). Bench and pedestal grinding wheels usually use an acronym like Vitified Bond rather than individual letters or numerals to indicate type of bond like vitrified bond. Hardness determines how quickly and efficiently they cut through material being ground; harder wheels typically provide faster cutting speeds while producing higher quality cuts than their softer counterparts, yet could damage workpieces or machines more quickly or damage them faster compared to its counterparts.
Grinding wheels utilize abrasive grains that perform cutting action, while its bond provides support and determines its overall hardness. Bond strength can be measured through its grade or hardness rating; to be effective against grinding forces that seek to dislodge it from its seat, its bonds must be strong enough.
Bonds on wheels can be composed of different materials that possess various properties that affect their performance. The type of material chosen will influence how effective the abrasive grains can cut workpieces; typically harder abrasives require wheels with harder bonds while softer materials work best with wheels featuring softer bonds.
There are various types of abrasive bond systems, including vitrified, organic, metal and other alloys. Each has unique properties which make them appropriate for specific applications – organic bonds are frequently found on softer wheels while metal alloys tend to be reserved for more rigorous tasks.
Black silicon carbide abrasives feature extremely sharp points which make it suitable for grinding non-ferrous metals and low tensile strength materials such as ceramic. Green silicon carbide can also be recommended when grinding extremely hard materials like cemented carbide.
Aluminum oxide abrasives are also ideal for use when sanding high tensile strength materials, but should only be used in dry applications; wet sanding conditions would compromise their integrity.
Covington provides more demanding applications with an array of bonded wheels featuring different hardness grades and abrasives types, including green silicon carbide for conventional hot mills and indefinite chill double pour (ICDP) cast iron rolls, resin-bonded wheels with green silicon carbide coating for indefinite chill double pour casting iron rolls and indefinite chill double pour (ICDP) rolls, resin bonded wheels featuring green silicon carbide for resin casting machines, as well as indefinite chill double pour (ICDP) cast iron rolls with indefinite chill double pour (ICDP). Metal bonded wheels feature black and white corundum as well as zirconium carbide for grinding metallurgy equipment abrasively, while Alumina abrasive wheels can also be found for lapping and polishing purposes. These abrasives are ideal for sanding, grinding and polishing hard metals and non-metallic materials such as stainless steel. They can be run either with or without coolant for maximum versatility in use; commonly these grinding abrasives are employed on metals like stainless steel, nickel alloys and tungsten carbide but they can also be utilized to grind nonmetallic substances such as alumina glass and sapphire.
Porosity, or open spaces between abrasive grains, is an integral component of any grinding wheel. Without sufficient porosity between grains, wheels would quickly become jam-packed with chips that interfere with cutting; in addition, cutting points would wear flat, necessitating more frequent regrinding for them to maintain sharpness; this eventually reduced productivity and life of both grains and bond simultaneously resulting in decreased productivity and decreased lifespan; to prevent this happening a high quality bond and proper selection can prevent such complications from arising by creating proper porosity between grains abrasive selection and porosity throughout.
Silicon carbide abrasive wheels require a certain level of porosity for efficient chip clearance. Aside from selecting and bonding an appropriate abrasive grain selection and bond strength, this porosity also plays an integral part in reaching peak cutting performance. Natural to synthetic grains may be utilized, with corundum and aluminum oxide typically serving as main options; diamond and cubic boron nitride may also be available for more demanding applications.
As part of their manufacturing process, wheels must be prepared to simulate grinding conditions. Abrasives, bond and core materials are combined and placed into a wheel mold before going through a production cycle that simulates actual cutting action of the wheel, with tests for its ability to perform as anticipated during machining processes.
The thermal expansion mismatch and porosity of an abrasive and bond are measured. Organic pore formers typically used in vitrified bonds such as Piccotac(r) resin or napthalene can present manufacturing difficulties due to thermal expansion mismatch between wheel components and bond. Furthermore, many of these organic pore formers often react chemically with silicon carbide grains during firing process, leading to undesirable chemical reactions between grain components and organic pore formers.
A new abrasive wheel that combines abrasive grains with hollow ceramic spheres in an adhesive bond with low temperature and high strength has been developed. This wheel features superior corner or profile holding properties and is well suited for grinding nonferrous materials such as glass, stone, ceramics, refractories materials titanium alloys as well as other low tensile strength materials.
Silicon carbide is one of the hardest and sharpest abrasive materials on the market, making it ideal for grinding metal. Due to its durability and heat resistance, silicon carbide outlives traditional abrasive materials in wheels manufactured using them – eliminating frequent wheel changes while saving costs over time for your project.
Silicon carbide wheels feature various grit sizes to meet the specific requirements of various tasks. A coarse grit cuts deeper and faster while finer grits will leave a smoother finish. Silicon carbide abrasive wheels come with various grit sizes for your convenience.
Additionally, abrasive material and bond are both critical elements in defining and optimizing wheel performance. The strength of this bond – known as its grade – plays an integral part in this process, with higher grades being more suitable for harder materials and drill/metalworking grinders tending to overheat and wear out quicker than jigsaws.
Silicon carbide grinding wheels possess unique properties that make them effective at grinding an assortment of materials, such as glass, stone and nonmetallic ceramics. Their durability and resistance to heat make it possible to rapidly remove material without degrading surface quality or damaging edges of workpieces.
Silicon carbide wheels excel at working with harder materials, such as ceramic glaze drips and warped pots, while aluminum oxide wheels may only work on soft materials like paper. As such, silicon carbide wheels can make an excellent choice for applications that involve removing glaze drips, leveling warped pots or grinding chips off kiln shelf posts and furniture.
Silicon carbide’s superior thermal conductivity enables its grinding wheels to dissipate heat more effectively, helping prevent overheating and extend their lifespan. This enhances overall grinding process efficiency while simultaneously keeping abrasives sharp for longer to ensure reliable results. In addition, silicon carbide’s hardness and toughness help delay premature wear on blades by keeping them from degrading or gummifying prematurely.