Yazar adı: admin88

Silicon Carbide Parts

Silicon carbide, commonly referred to as SSiC, is a hard, chemically inert material used in various applications including sandblasting nozzles and grinding wheels. Silicon Carbide can be machined in either its green or biscuit state; however, for precise tolerances to be reached it must first be sintered and processed using costly diamond grinding processes – …

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Silicon Carbide Schottky Diode

Silicon carbide schottky diodes offer an alternative to conventional silicon devices, boasting lower forward voltage drops and greater operating temperatures tolerance, in addition to boasting high reverse breakdown voltages and providing superior surge current capability than regular silicon models. Wide band gap devices can be utilized in hard-switching applications like electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, …

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Silicon Carbide Is Plotted to Power Everything From Electric Vehicles and Fast Chargers to Renewable Energy Capture and Storage

With 36 years of experience working with silicon carbide, Cree/Wolfspeed believes it has the knowledge and capabilities needed to power everything from electric vehicles and fast chargers, 5G wireless infrastructure and renewable energy capture and storage applications. The Company boasts an expansive opportunity pipeline and is rapidly increasing capacity by opening new fabs and facilities, …

Silicon Carbide Is Plotted to Power Everything From Electric Vehicles and Fast Chargers to Renewable Energy Capture and Storage Devamı »

What Is Silicon Carbide Electrical Conductivity?

Silicon carbide (SiC) is an intermetallic solid that lies somewhere between metals (which conduct electricity) and insulators, with wide band gaps and high electron mobility, making it an attractive material choice for power electronics applications. Silicon’s ability to resist chemical attack at high temperatures and its strength across a broad temperature range make it ideal …

What Is Silicon Carbide Electrical Conductivity? Devamı »

Silisyum Karbür Nedir?

Silicon carbide is an inert chemical compound with high melting and boiling points, that can be made into non-reactive ceramic plates used in bulletproof vests. As it’s also a semiconductor material, silicon carbide makes an excellent material choice. Due to its exceptional electrical properties, silicon has the potential to extend electric vehicle driving range by …

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Advantages of Silicon Carbide MOSFETs

Wide bandgap power semiconductor devices such as silicon carbide MOSFETs have become an increasingly popular component in electronic circuit designs, as their superior performance over conventional silicon-based power semiconductors make them attractive solutions. MOSFETs consist of three terminals known as source, drain, and gate. Applying positive voltage to the gate creates an electric field which …

Advantages of Silicon Carbide MOSFETs Devamı »

Fuji Silicon Carbide Guides

Fuji Silicon Carbide (SiC) guide rings are considered one of the highest quality materials available; their hardest and most durable material offers unparalleled abrasion resistance and diamond polishing to provide one of the smoothest rings available. Fuji’s secret to their strength lies in their deep-pressed ring design. This ensures better grip between rings and frames …

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Silisyum Karbürün Mukavemeti ve Termal İletkenliği

Silisyum karbür, termal genleşme ve kimyasal stabilite olmadan yüksek sıcaklıklara dayanabilen, olağanüstü mukavemet ve termal iletkenliğe sahip olağanüstü sert, kristal bir seramiktir. Son zamanlarda, oda sıcaklığından daha yüksek sıcaklıklarda gofret ölçekli 3C-SiC dökme kristallerinde rekor düzeyde yüksek izotropik oda sıcaklığı fononik kristal termal iletkenlik (k) değerleri bildirdik; rakamımız 50%'nin üzerindeydi ...

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