Where to Buy Silicon Carbide Powder

Silicon carbide, commonly referred to as Carborundum, is a hard chemical compound composed of silicon and carbon that occurs naturally within moissanite mineral, but mass-produced versions used as an abrasive are now manufactured mass production facilities.

SiC powder is an essential material in the creation of semiconductor single crystals, vapor SiC ingots and silicon carbide ceramic parts used in LED equipment and electric cars. We supply high purity SiC powder in various grit sizes for various uses.


Black silicon carbide, also referred to as black tungsten carbide or molybdenum trioxide (MoO3), is an exceptionally durable and adaptable hard material used in multiple industries including abrasives and structural materials as well as various metallurgical processes.

SiC is made by heating silica sand with carbon, such as coal, at high temperatures – up to 2500 degrees Celsius – using the Lely method, sublimating material through sublimation into crystals which are then deposited on graphite at lower temperatures – ultimately yielding silicon carbide which may contain iron and carbon impurities as well.

Silicon Carbide Powder has many applications and can be made into various shapes and sizes for specific tasks. Most commonly found in abrasive materials like sandpaper and grinding wheels due to its exceptional durability and performance characteristics, black silicon carbide powder can also be added as an additive in ceramic and glass products such as crucibles for improved strength and longevity.

Silicon carbide blades are widely utilized for industrial cutting and grinding applications due to their ability to withstand high levels of pressure and friction while producing precision results. Both aerospace and automotive industries rely on them for precision metalworking applications in order to obtain accurate dimensions and smooth finishes for parts being machined from metal and ceramic material.

Element x is also an indispensable ingredient in the production of high-performance composite materials, thanks to its superior thermal conductivity and stress tolerance properties, helping prevent damage under high stress conditions and providing long-term performance. Furthermore, Element x plays a vital role in energy-efficient electronics and photovoltaic devices like blocking solar cells exposed directly to harsh space environments.


At our facility, our professional team oversees product quality control and production processes. Additionally, we’re committed to constantly improving technology and product quality so our customers receive only top-quality silicon carbide powder products. This enables us to supply cutting, grinding, polishing and other applications requiring high strength or temperature resistance with high-grade silicon carbide powder from us. Our particle sizes come in various particle sizes to meet customer requirements; and this abrasive powder comes equipped with strength ratings from up to 1,300MPa.

Conductive semiconductor grade Silicon Carbide (SiC) powder is composed primarily of silicon and carbon as raw materials, then processed using physical vapor transport method to form SiC wafers. SiC powder serves to support the expansion of third generation semiconductors; furthermore, its excellent room-temperature mechanical properties include bending strength and erosion resistance as well as its outstanding high-temperature mechanical property compared with all known ceramic materials.

Silicon carbide powder boasts an exceptionally high purity of over 6N and can be delivered either in bulk or spherical particles for use in ceramic parts manufacturing processes like hot pressing, pressureless sintering or isostatic press sintering to attain the necessary ceramic parts. Furthermore, this process maintains high-temperature strength up to 1600 degC while yielding products with uniform particle sizes and high crystallinity as end products.

This abrasive powder comes in 64 grit grades to provide precision lapping and polishing operations. Furthermore, it can be formed into complex shapes for customized abrasion components – ideal for aerospace, automotive and metal fabrication industries that demand high abrasion resistance.


Silicon carbide (SiC) is an extremely hard material, rivaled only by diamond and boron carbide in Mohs hardness rating. Due to this hardness rating, SiC makes for an excellent material choice in applications which require resistance against wear as well as stress tolerance at higher mechanical loads and pressures.

SiC’s hardness stems from its atomic structure and formation of covalent bonds; these covalent bonds are stronger and more durable than metallic ones, giving it resistance against shearing forces and deformation. Combined with its structural integrity, this allows silicon carbide to resist shearing forces and deformation.

Silicon carbide boasts superior flexural strength and fracture toughness properties that make it a superb material for applications requiring resistance to impact, such as ballistic and armor protection materials.

Silicon Carbide boasts many desirable characteristics beyond its hardness, such as chemical inertness and thermal conductivity. Furthermore, its thermal expansion rate is relatively low while being highly corrosion resistant.

Black silicon carbide’s superior abrasion resistance makes it the go-to material for grinding and machining applications that involve using abrasive grit, such as grinding. Black silicon carbide has proven itself an exceptional option in these instances, boasting high cutting rates with uniform finishes – plus multiple carriers options are available depending on user application needs – such as water-based, universal-based or oil-based carriers for convenience.

Silica stands out among other materials due to its ability to withstand temperatures and pressures found in furnaces and kilns, making it suitable for use in spray nozzles, ceramic tiles, industrial equipment that must withstand high temperature ranges, as well as creating heat sinks to protect components against erosion. This versatility also makes silica an invaluable choice in protecting components against erosion such as heat sinks.

Heat Resistance

Silicon carbide ceramic is an exceptionally strong, hard and resilient non-oxide ceramic that can withstand high temperatures without deforming or cracking under pressure, making it suitable for high strength applications like jet nozzles, shot blast nozzles and cyclone components. Furthermore, its resistance to acids and harsh chemicals makes it corrosion resistant as well. Silicon carbide ceramic’s toughness also makes it useful as bulletproof armor; bullets simply cannot penetrate its blocks to breach them.

Silicon Carbide can be created through various processes, but one of the most widely-used is known as Lely process. This produces high-grade a-SiC powder which can then be sintered into various industrial products via dry press, hot isostatic pressing and injection molding processes – these techniques often produce parts with complex shapes with tight tolerances and surface finish requirements that meet industry specifications.

SiC powders are often combined with binders such as clay to improve sintering conditions. Clay prevents oxidation during sintering and helps the SiC particles adhere together; high-silica binders may reduce strength.

Silicon Carbide can be divided into various polymorphs; the most prevalent being a-SiC with its hexagonal crystal structure similar to wurtzite and hexagonal cells resembling those found in wurtzite; this hard material offers good toughness as well as superior wear resistance. Beta SiC, with a zinc blende structure similar to zinc blende mineral specimens is much weaker and should only be considered an option as an alternate material choice.

A-SiC is most often used for grinding materials with low tensile strength, including glass, ceramics, stone and cast iron. Additionally, it serves as an abrasive for lapping and polishing processes as well as being employed against harder materials like semiconductors and soft ceramics.

Abrasion Resistance

Silicon carbide is a nonoxide ceramic used in many thermal (high heat and heat shock), mechanical, and lubrication applications. This material has wide application across many fields: it can be found in abrasives for its hardness; used as raw material in refractories/ceramics due to its resistance to high temperatures/low thermal expansion; used as electronics thermal conductivity material and even used as an effective lubricant when combined with oil as a lubricating paste that enhances performance while improving grinding/milling/cutting tool performance.

Black and Premasol silicon carbide powders are vital abrasives in numerous industrial processes and applications. Available in multiple grit sizes and carefully processed to meet precise specifications, these durable abrasive materials offer exceptional abrasion performance as well as smooth finishes.

This abrasive is well known for its exceptional chemical inertness, providing protection from corrosion when exposed to harsh chemicals such as those found in industrial furnace linings or flame igniters. As such, this material makes for ideal components to produce in environments exposed to corrosion-inducing substances, like industrial furnace linings or flame igniters.

Pure crystalline silicon carbide, unlike its silica sand counterpart, which may contain impurities like iron and carbon, is colorless. It forms when silica sand is heated at very high temperatures using granite crucibles; then these crystals are deposited onto graphite at lower temperatures using Lely method; producing large single crystal pieces known as synthetic moissanite that can then be cut into gems similar to diamond while being cheaper, more durable, lighter, more economical to mass produce, making this an economical alternative choice among luxury jewelry brands.

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