Silicon Carbide Parts

Silicon carbide, commonly referred to as SSiC, is a hard, chemically inert material used in various applications including sandblasting nozzles and grinding wheels. Silicon Carbide can be machined in either its green or biscuit state; however, for precise tolerances to be reached it must first be sintered and processed using costly diamond grinding processes – …

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Schottkyho dióda z karbidu kremíka

Schottkyho diódy z karbidu kremíka ponúkajú alternatívu k bežným kremíkovým zariadeniam, pretože sa môžu pochváliť nižšími poklesmi napätia v priamom smere a väčšou toleranciou prevádzkových teplôt, okrem toho sa môžu pochváliť vysokým spätným prierazným napätím a poskytujú lepšiu schopnosť nárazového prúdu ako bežné kremíkové modely. Zariadenia so širokou pásmovou medzerou možno využiť v aplikáciách s tvrdým spínaním, ako sú nabíjacie stanice pre elektrické vozidlá, ...

Schottkyho dióda z karbidu kremíka Čítajte viac »

Silicon Carbide Is Plotted to Power Everything From Electric Vehicles and Fast Chargers to Renewable Energy Capture and Storage

With 36 years of experience working with silicon carbide, Cree/Wolfspeed believes it has the knowledge and capabilities needed to power everything from electric vehicles and fast chargers, 5G wireless infrastructure and renewable energy capture and storage applications. The Company boasts an expansive opportunity pipeline and is rapidly increasing capacity by opening new fabs and facilities, …

Silicon Carbide Is Plotted to Power Everything From Electric Vehicles and Fast Chargers to Renewable Energy Capture and Storage Čítajte viac »

Silicon Carbide Armor Saves Lives

Silicon carbide armor has been praised for saving lives during terrorist attacks, mass shootings and other high-risk situations. Due to its unique atomic structure and energy absorption properties, this material makes an excellent shield against projectiles that could otherwise strike at personnel. Silicon carbide has emerged as an attractive option due to its superior multi-hit …

Silicon Carbide Armor Saves Lives Čítajte viac »

What Is Silicon Carbide Electrical Conductivity?

Silicon carbide (SiC) is an intermetallic solid that lies somewhere between metals (which conduct electricity) and insulators, with wide band gaps and high electron mobility, making it an attractive material choice for power electronics applications. Silicon’s ability to resist chemical attack at high temperatures and its strength across a broad temperature range make it ideal …

What Is Silicon Carbide Electrical Conductivity? Čítajte viac »

Advantages of Silicon Carbide MOSFETs

Wide bandgap power semiconductor devices such as silicon carbide MOSFETs have become an increasingly popular component in electronic circuit designs, as their superior performance over conventional silicon-based power semiconductors make them attractive solutions. MOSFETs consist of three terminals known as source, drain, and gate. Applying positive voltage to the gate creates an electric field which …

Advantages of Silicon Carbide MOSFETs Čítajte viac »

Pevnosť a tepelná vodivosť karbidu kremíka

Karbid kremíka je výnimočne tvrdá, kryštalická keramika s vynikajúcou pevnosťou a tepelnou vodivosťou, schopná odolávať vysokým teplotám bez tepelnej rozťažnosti a chemickej stability. Nedávno sme uviedli rekordne vysoké hodnoty izotropnej fonickej kryštálovej tepelnej vodivosti (k) pri izbovej teplote v objemových kryštáloch 3C-SiC v meradle doštičiek pri teplotách vyšších ako izbová teplota; naša hodnota bola o viac ako 50% vyššia ...

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