Meno autora: admin88

Silicon Carbide Density and Applications

Silicon carbide (SiC) is one of the lightest and hardest ceramic materials. It excels at resisting wear-and-tear damage from wear-and-tear, chemical spillage resistance, low thermal expansion rates and self-sharpening capabilities – characteristics which make SiC an attractive choice. SiC semiconductors boast an exceptional wide band gap, enabling them to work at higher voltages and frequencies …

Silicon Carbide Density and Applications Čítajte viac »

Čo je karbid kremíka?

Silicon carbide is an inert, chemically inert solid material with tremendous strength and hardness derived from its covalent bonds held together by silicon and carbon tetrahedra. Furthermore, this substance offers excellent chemical and thermal shock resistance properties. Edward Acheson first discovered aluminum oxide in 1891 and used it as a synthetic abrasive. With a Mohs …

Čo je karbid kremíka? Čítajte viac »

Výhody plátkov z karbidu kremíka

Kremík z kremičitého piesku v kombinácii s uhlíkom z uhlia poskytuje výnimočný materiál: karbid kremíka (SiC). Substráty SiC sú hnacou silou technologického pokroku v elektrických vozidlách, sieťach 5G a ďalších. Výroba SiC doštičiek si vyžaduje sofistikované technológie a hlboké odborné znalosti a výrobcovia sa musia snažiť o zvýšenie výťažnosti a spoľahlivosti počas výrobných procesov. Tvrdosť karbidu kremíka (SiC) je ...

Výhody plátkov z karbidu kremíka Čítajte viac »

Silicon Carbide Vs Aluminum Oxide

Selecting the ideal blasting media can help operations achieve a sleek, professional finish. Aluminum oxide is often chosen for stripping, cleaning, and polishing metal and wood surfaces. Silicon carbide may be the superior option when working with tougher materials that require higher tensile strength and nonmetallic surfaces, making this article’s comparison between both grains the …

Silicon Carbide Vs Aluminum Oxide Čítajte viac »

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