Siliciumcarbide greep

Grip stippling and grip tape both have their place, but over time they become less effective at providing maximum comfort or gripping surface. Silicon carbide provides a reliable and lasting solution to this problem when applied correctly.

Black Silicon Carbide (commonly referred to as carborundum) is a hard, angular abrasive material with unique properties: over time it breaks down while simultaneously unveiling sharp cutting edges, making it perfect for rock tumbling applications.

1. Increased Friction

Silicon carbide (SiC) is an extremely hard, angular crystalline form of silicon and carbon with a Mohs hardness rating of 9.1. Its uses include as an abrasive in wheel, slurry and refractory applications due to its Mohs hardness rating of 9.1, high thermal conductivity and low coefficient of expansion, non-toxicity as well as being an important raw material in semiconductor device fabrication; often doped with nitrogen or phosphorus dopants to form n-type and p-type regions respectively or doped with boron, aluminium or beryllium to achieve metallic conductivity and non-toxicity.

silica-applied grip surfaces provide a comfortable way to maintain control of firearms. Their aggressive nature can also make them ideal for competitive shooting where an assured grip is vitally important.

Stippling can also be an time-consuming and difficult process to apply; many DIY enthusiasts will opt to use an $8 soldering iron and an epoxy-based silicon carbide granule application as an easier and quicker way to give their pistol that desired grippiness. Rather, using epoxy-based silicon carbide granule application offers an effective, quick, and simple method for creating grippiness on frames of pistols.

2. Increased Control

Silicon carbide (corundum) is a hard, durable chemical compound composed of silicon and carbon that naturally occurs as the rare gemstone moissanite but has also been synthesized since 1893 for use as an abrasive in applications like sandblasting and grinding where its blocky, angular grains provide outstanding wear resistance. Silicon carbide can also be bonded with other materials to form ceramic materials for applications like making brake discs in high performance cars and armor plates for bulletproof vests.

Grip tape is an extremely durable form of silicon carbide material used to give skateboards their gritty surface. Available in multiple colors and textures to meet rider preferences, it provides extra grip over plastic pistol grips which may become slippery during wet weather conditions. Grip tape has also proven popular as an option to cover pistol grips as an additional layer of traction provides added traction when riding without gloves or grip tape is present.

Silicon carbide grip treatment offers a more permanent solution than stippling. Adhering like traditional grip tape but without coming loose in rain or sweat, nor washing off, silicone carbide grip treatment won’t wear off as quickly or leave marks on your hands as quickly. Plus it works on any polymer grip like those found on pistols like CZ SP01 Shadow and 1911 pistols!

3. Durability

Silicon carbide, composed of silicon and carbon, is a hard chemical compound with hardness similar to diamond grit and harder than garnet or aluminum oxide. While silicon carbide naturally forms moissanite gemstones, its more widespread applications include industrial uses like grit for abrasive blasting wheels that grind various metals. Silicon carbide’s hardness approaches diamond’s, making it one of the primary raw materials needed for modern electronics production.

Carborundum (commonly referred to as carborundum), is often the material of choice when it comes to grip stippling due to its relatively cheap cost and easy application process. The material’s signature black hue comes from iron impurities which can be removed and polished away for an ultra-smooth surface finish.

Silicon Carbide Surface Application can create an ergonomic and secure grip when done properly, lasting much longer than stippling and providing more friction between their hands and frame. Available for both polymer and metal frames with the beavertail area being untextured if desired – offering an effective alternative to grip tape which could damage frames and lessen their resale value.

4. Easy to Apply

Silicon carbide is much simpler to apply than other grip creams or stippling. Utilizing two part epoxy, the surface of your firearm is coated and then covered with silicon carbide powder in your desired grit size – before being permanently adhered onto it for increased traction where your hands come into contact with its frame. Plus it lasts longer and looks much better!

Before applying silicon carbide, the item to be treated must first be thoroughly cleaned and degreased before priming it with high quality black paint that will work with epoxy to adhere the silicon carbide. Furthermore, it would be prudent to mask off areas you do not wish for to be coated in epoxy coatings.

Once a surface is ready to be coated with silicon carbide, a brush should be used to ensure an even coat of epoxy. After this has been accomplished, silicon carbide powder can then be evenly spread over it with a sprinkler gun, until all excess powder has been removed by brushing off excess. Once dried, any additional particles should shed easily as expected within hours; after which time handling of the item can resume normally.
