Silicio karbido formulė

Silicon carbide is one of the hardest substances known, boasting a Mohs hardness rating of 9. It is chemically inert and commonly used in abrasives and metallurgical applications.

Silica sand and carbon are combined in an electric resistance-type furnace designed by Acheson to produce this green-to-bluish black material, producing an iridescent product with greenish to bluish black hues.

Fizikinės savybės

Silicon carbide is an abrasive and semiconductor material. It has many different forms, or polytypes, each distinguishable by how atoms are arranged within its layers and stacking sequence. Each form possesses unique physical properties due to these differences in arrangement of its atomic structures within each form or polytype.

Silicon carbide stands out among its many properties by virtue of its hardness, with an Mohs scale rating of 9; this makes it the second hardest material after diamond and the most durable industrial machining material available. Furthermore, silicon carbide’s properties include its ductility – meaning it bends before snapping or cracking like more fragile materials would.

Silicon carbide also possesses exceptional thermal conductivity, due to the similar atomic sizes with those found in hard materials like diamond and beryllium nitride. This similarity helps generate vibrational energy that then transfers as phonons through the material, producing heat.

Silicon carbide stands out among materials due to its remarkable physical property: sublimation at high temperatures. This allows it to bypass liquid state transitioning directly into gaseous form – ideal for electronics applications where high temperatures and voltages must be endured.

Cheminės savybės

Silicon carbide is an exceptionally hard and brittle non-oxide ceramic with many desirable chemical properties, including strength derived from its unique combination of silicon and carbon held together by strong covalent bonds in its crystal lattice structure. Silicon carbide’s insolubility in water as well as most organic acids, alkalis, salts (except hydrofluoric acid ) renders it inert but it dissolves easily when exposed to high temperature alkaline metals or iron (molten alkali metals or iron) melt outwards at high melting points with low expansion with increasing temperature; making silicon carbide an excellent thermal conductor with high melting points but low expansion with increasing temperature changes.

Silicon Carbide occurs naturally only as the extremely rare mineral known as moissanite and can be produced artificially using heating silica sand and coal in an electric resistance furnace to form SiC and carbon monoxide gas. Large single crystals of silicon carbide can also be grown using Lely method to produce gem-quality synthetic moissanite that is used as an abrasive and diamond simulant.

Silicon carbide is produced in Acheson’s brick electrical resistance-type furnace by reacting a mixture of pure silica sand and coal with carbon conductor, using electric current to initiate its reaction. This results in green to bluish black crystalline material which is later processed for grinding wheels, machining tools, cutting/blasting applications as well as wear resistant components in pumps, rocket engines and industrial furnaces. Silicon carbide also serves as a semiconductor which can be doped with nitrogen or phosphorus while beryllium/boron/allumenium can make it p-type semiconductors.

Mechaninės savybės

Silicon carbide (SiC) is an extremely hard material with superior mechanical properties. On the Mohs hardness scale of mineral hardness, SiC lies between alumina at 9 and diamond at 10 and thus its relative index rating of 10 makes it perfect for applications requiring tough materials like scrubbing and grinding applications.

SiC is ideal for industrial applications due to its low density and chemical resistance. SiC’s strong acid resistance is due to a layer of silicon dioxide protecting its internal crystal structure from being oxidized; however, alkali resistance remains poor.

SiC is widely utilized for high-temperature applications due to its exceptional thermal conductivity, providing frictional heat dissipation. Furthermore, its Young’s modulus and fracture toughness make it suitable for high voltage electrical applications as well as accommodating gas turbine engine temperatures.

SiC is a semiconductor with a wide band gap (electromagnetic interactions between electrons and atoms). Due to its tetrahedral structure of silicon and carbon atoms, SiC may form into several polytypes which differ in terms of how their atomic layers stack, with each having one of three possible stacking sequences; depending on this arrangement of layers SiC can function either as a semiconductor or an insulator.

Elektrinės savybės

Silicon carbide’s combination of extremely high hardness (Mohs scale 9), high temperature strength, chemical reactions resistance and semiconductor properties makes it a versatile material with many applications. Ceramics made up of impure SiC crystallites bonded together using heat and pressure are one such application while single crystal wafers used in electronic devices like diodes and transistors are another viable use for silicon carbide.

SiC is typically an electrical insulator; however, by adding impurities like phosphorus and nitrogen it can become an electronic semiconductor with wide band gap that allows it to support voltages 10 times higher than traditional silicon semiconductors and thus making it suitable for power applications where reliability is essential.

Silicon carbide occurs naturally in small amounts in moissanite gemstone, but is mostly produced synthetically through the Acheson method. This involves mixing pure silica (SiO2) quartz sand with finely ground petroleum coke (carbon) at temperatures 1700-2500 degC in an electric resistive furnace; this then leads to chemical reaction producing alpha silicon carbide (a-SiC), with beta modification yielding zinc blende-type crystal structures similar to diamond and recently more widely utilized applications including supporting heterogeneous catalysts.

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