How to Make Silicon Carbide

Silicon carbide (SiC) is one of the hardest synthetic materials known, making it popularly used in industrial refractories due to its extreme hardness and wear resistance.

As it’s a wide bandgap semiconductor with excellent heat and radiation resistance, this material can also be found in paper and cloth products that require abrasive action.

Producing SiC using the traditional Acheson process is highly energy-intensive and requires large amounts of electricity to maintain high furnace temperatures as well as carbon from natural resources.

The Acheson Process

Silicon carbide is one of the hardest materials known to humanity, only rivaled in hardness by diamond and cubic boron nitride. As a ceramic material with excellent corrosion, abrasion and temperature resistance, silicon carbide has many uses across various fields and applications – mechanical seals in engines and pumps are common applications, while bulletproof vests also use this highly durable material as protection from high-speed projectiles like bullets or shrapnel.

The Acheson Process is the go-to way of producing SiC. Using petroleum coke and quartz as key raw materials, it involves packing them into a graphite electric resistance furnace before passing an electric current through to initiate carbothermal reduction reaction, melting of product and cooling off into an ingot form. While expensive and time consuming, this method remains widely popular.

Increasing the proportion of coarsely crystalline silicon carbide in the reacted mass and decreasing unreacted sand coke mix after production runs requires better control of reaction conditions. The present invention offers an Acheson reaction method with improved temperature conditions in order to produce higher proportions of coarsely crystalline silicon carbide.

Utilizing FactSage software, this investigation explores and verifies the dominant reactions during SiC synthesis in an Acheson furnace. Results reveal that SiC formation in this environment is driven mainly by solid-gas reactions with significant contributions from solid phase SiO. Likewise, variations in gas phase composition were investigated; results demonstrated that larger concentrations of carbon dioxide led to lower formation rates for finely crystalline SiC crystals. With the knowledge gained through this investigation in hand, improved furnace conditions are designed with more production rates of coarse crystalline SiC and lower concentration of impurities than before – an Acheson furnace with improved conditions allowing greater amounts of coarsely crystalline SiC with less impurities is designed.


Silicon carbide (SiC) is an extremely hard ceramic material, rivaled only in terms of hardness by diamond and cubic boron nitride. Additionally, SiC offers excellent heat resistance, chemical inertness to alkalies and acids and electrical conductivity – qualities which make it an excellent material for high-performance electronics applications such as radio circuits in early 1900s radio receivers to electric motors, car brakes and bulletproof vests. Silicon carbide was initially first utilized as radio circuit material during early 1900s radio circuit production but today it serves many other applications including ceramic motors in electric motors/car brakes/bulletproof vests etc.

Sintering is the practice of heating a mixture of raw materials to a temperature that causes them to chemically fuse together to form a solid mass. While there are various methods for sintering, most involve heating to high temperatures before forcing cooling gradually, producing top-grade silicon carbide parts in this manner. Sintering involves several steps such as powder preparation, mixing with binder, shaping into desired shapes, then vacuum sintering at very high temperatures; GAB Neumann exclusively utilizes pressureless-sintered silicon carbide monolithic parts from United States of America or Europe when producing SiC parts in this fashion.

Quality SiC is defined by its chemical makeup and crystal structure after being sintered, so Washington Mills operates various crushing, milling and classifying equipment to produce crude SiC that meets various ANSI, FEPA and JIS standards.

Reaction bonding is one of the oldest methods for creating silicon carbide ceramics. This technique involves heating coarse silicon carbide particles mixed with silicon and plasticizers until a reaction-bonded silicon carbide ingot forms that can then be machined into any desired shapes and sizes for specific applications. Reaction bonded ceramic is particularly suitable for thermal shock resistance due to its ability to resist high temperatures.

Sintering can produce large single crystals of silicon carbide that can then be cut into moissanite gemstones. Another method for growing silicon carbide is known as Lely method; wherein a granite crucible heated to 2700 degrees Celsius sublimates silicon carbide powder into crystals which are then fused together using sintering process to produce ceramics with impressive combinations of hardness and strength.


Silicon carbide is an extremely hard, wear-resistant material. Able to withstand temperatures up to 1600deg Celsius with good electrical conductivity, low thermal expansion rates, and strong strength; silicon carbide has become popularly utilized in industrial and power electronic applications.

Silicon carbide production involves two primary processes. Reaction bonding involves mixing coarse silica with carbon sources such as coke before heating them at extremely high temperatures to form a powder which can then be shaped and sintered for solid, durable results. Lely Method involves similar procedures.

Lely method of silicon carbide production uses a granite crucible to sublimate raw materials into crystals that are then deposited on graphite at lower temperatures to form solid. This technique is considerably faster than reactions bonding method while producing higher quality material.

Once silicon carbide becomes solid, it is typically utilized in the production of abrasive grinding wheels or other shapes requiring sharp and strong edges, as well as in blasting applications or for cutting and shaping metals. Furthermore, silicon carbide can also be found used to make jet engine blades due to its resistance to extreme temperatures as well as its hardness – perfect for producing durable blades for engines!

Silicon carbide ceramics have long been utilized in industries including metallurgy, automotive and electrical applications due to its superior heat resistance, low thermal expansion rate and great hardness properties. Furthermore, due to its excellent electrical properties and wide band gap it makes an excellent choice for high voltage electronics devices like 5G power transmission systems as well as protective coatings on steel wire strands to ward off corrosion as well as any physical attacks such as corrosion damage from oxidation, corrosion or any chemical attacks; in fact it can even withstand bullet hits making silicon carbide an excellent material choice – another reason it makes an excellent material choice in protective vests!


Silicon Carbide (SiC) is an extremely hard, non-oxide ceramic material widely used in grinding wheels and other machining applications for over a century. Additionally, SiC boasts excellent heat and corrosion resistance as well as relatively low thermal expansion rates with high electric field breakdown strength, making it suitable for high performance refractories and ceramic applications as well. Furthermore, SiC’s low thermal expansion rate and high electric field breakdown strength makes it a suitable raw material for power electronics in applications like electric vehicle battery management systems or 5G transmission networks.

Silicon carbide production typically involves melting sand and carbon such as coal at high temperatures to create a mixture that contains mostly silica and carbon, with some iron impurities present – this method is known as Lely. Once formed, graphite rods suspended in the mixture are subjected to electric current. When this current passes through them it causes silicon carbide particles in the mixture to slowly melt around these rods, eventually leaving a thin layer that can be separated and removed for use as pure silicon carbide powder production by manufacturers using various processes.

Contrary to most abrasive materials, SiC crystals are colorless. Any brown to black hue seen in industrial products comes from iron impurities. SiC is also a semiconductor material, capable of providing either n- or p-type conductivity depending on doping of nitrogen or phosphorus or boron aluminum or gallium into the crystal structure.

One of the earliest methods of producing silicon carbide was through reaction bonding. This technique involves mixing coarse silicon carbide particles, finer particles of silicon and carbon particles, plasticizers and molding compounds together into an easily formable shape before firing it in a furnace to complete its formation into SiC ceramics that are both cost-effective and easily machineable.
