Piikarbidihiomapaperi - Oikean hiekkapuhallusaineen valinta

Piikarbidihiomapaperilla on luotettavat hiomaominaisuudet, joiden ansiosta sillä voidaan saavuttaa erinomaisia tuloksia useissa eri sovelluksissa. Toisin kuin kilpailijansa, piikarbidi kestää lämpöhajoamista intensiivisten hiontaprosessien aikana - se minimoi hiomarakeiden hajoamisen ja takaa tarkat viimeistelytulokset. Rapid Sander sopii nopean materiaalin poiston ansiosta erinomaisesti karkeiden pintojen tasoittamiseen ja puun ...

Piikarbidihiomapaperi - Oikean hiekkapuhallusaineen valinta Lue lisää “

Piikarbidiputkien täyden potentiaalin vapauttaminen

Piikarbidiputket ovat suosittuja teollisia vaihtoehtoja niiden lujuuden, lämmönjohtavuuden sekä kulumisen ja korroosionkestävyyden vuoksi. Lisäksi niiden kestävyyden ansiosta ne soveltuvat vaativiin käyttöympäristöihin. Nämä putket on valmistettu sintratusta alfa-piikarbidista, ja ne voidaan muotoilla valamalla, kuivapuristimella, isostaattisella puristimella, suulakepuristimella tai ruiskuvaluprosessilla, jolloin ne ovat erinomaisia ...

Piikarbidiputkien täyden potentiaalin vapauttaminen Lue lisää “

Mikä on piikarbidi?

Piikarbidi, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä karborundi, on pii- ja hiiliatomeista koostuva epäorgaaninen kemiallinen yhdiste, jonka kovuus vastaa timantin kovuutta. Vaikka sitä esiintyy luonnossa vain pieniä määriä jalokivenä, moissanitina, sitä alettiin valmistaa massatuotantona vuonna 1893 hioma-aineeksi. Viime aikoina grafeeni on noussut otsikoihin ...

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Harness the Unrivalled Efficiency, Frequency, Temperature and Voltage Capabilities of Silicon Carbide Power Modules

Take advantage of silicon carbide’s unparalleled efficiency, frequency, temperature and voltage capabilities with ACEPACK DRIVE modules designed specifically to take advantage of low RDS(on) and limited switching losses to provide higher power density, smaller footprint and reduced cooling needs in HEV/EV traction inverters. However, SiC’s mechanical properties can impede its power cycling capabilities when exposed …

Harness the Unrivalled Efficiency, Frequency, Temperature and Voltage Capabilities of Silicon Carbide Power Modules Lue lisää “

Glock piikarbidikahva

Glock Silicon Carbide grips have long been favored among competition shooters and gunsmiths for their durability, increasing gripping friction where your hands come into contact with the frame while looking great! These durable coatings feature an aesthetic appearance, too! Silicone carbide provides the ideal surface texture for gripping surfaces like skateboard tape and pro grip, …

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Piikarbidi ja sen sähkönjohtavuus

Silicon carbide is an extremely hard synthetic material with a Mohs scale hardness of 9, making it the ninth hardest material on a hardness continuum. Furthermore, silicon carbide exhibits excellent electrical conductivity properties as well as withstanding high temperatures. Electronic components made from ceramic materials can be assembled to form devices that amplify, switch and …

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Silicon Carbide Balls Are a Crucial Component for Many Industrial Applications

Silicon carbide balls are essential components for many industrial applications, as they’re highly hard and durable while withstanding extreme temperatures and pressures. Furthermore, they’re lightweight yet highly corrosion-resistant. This strong compound deoxidizer is most often utilized as a silicon deoxidizer in electrical furnaces and blast furnaces to aid nodularization, crystallization and casting of steel. By …

Silicon Carbide Balls Are a Crucial Component for Many Industrial Applications Lue lisää “

Coherent Silicon Carbide Boosts Electric Vehicle Range

Coherent has attracted the interest of four Japanese conglomerates for an investment in its silicon carbide business, which manufactures chips that extend EV range more effectively than those made using traditional semiconductor silicon technology. At present, Coherent holds over $4.3 billion of debt. The chromium defect in SiC hosts electron spins with long coherence times …

Coherent Silicon Carbide Boosts Electric Vehicle Range Lue lisää “

Fuji Bass Rod Guides – Silicon Carbide, Alconite, Hardloy, and Titanium Coated Zirconia

Fuji produces SIC, Alconite and Hardloy guides as well as their newly introduced titanium coated zirconia guides, all featuring ultra smooth finishes with reduced friction levels to keep you playing at your best. SIC guides feature super low levels of friction for an optimal playing experience. Fuji has been the source of almost every major …

Fuji Bass Rod Guides – Silicon Carbide, Alconite, Hardloy, and Titanium Coated Zirconia Lue lisää “

Silicon Carbide Paper

Silicon carbide paper offers exceptional performance for crafting projects. From rough sanding to smoothing, its versatility elevates the finishing process. Aluminum oxide abrasives can also be combined with this compound for use sanding between coats of paint or varnish application, particularly on metal, glass, stone and other materials such as wood. Hardness Silicon carbide, also …

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