Silicon Carbide Grip

Silicon carbide differs from grip tape in that it doesn’t peel and is much more durable, not scratching your hand, and being cheaper than stippling.

We provide multiple silicone carbide texture options on both polymer frames and metal frames, with 120 grit being our most recommended competition grade.

It adds friction

silicone carbide coating is an easy, hassle-free way to increase grip on any firearm, popular among competitors and a simple weekend project for anyone seeking to improve gun handling. Stippling takes much more time, while this durable finish covers any awkward Dremel work or failed stippling attempts that might have occurred; plus it doesn’t limit itself solely to gun grips but can also be applied on slippery surfaces such as shelves.

Silicone carbide powder’s grit gives it its gripping power, but can be harsh on your hands. To protect them further, apply multiple layers to ensure it lasts as long as possible; there’s even an array of grit sizes so you can choose one best suited to you and your needs.

Silicon carbide is an abrasive material, designed to grip things that are softer than itself. The rough surface texture provides comfort while helping absorb some recoil; however, too much friction could be detrimental and should be applied in thin coats with ample drying time between each application. The best way to manage this potential issue is applying thin coats in multiple stages until each layer dries fully before continuing the application process.

Silicon carbide coating offers another advantage over stippling: it does not wear off as quickly, keeping your pistol looking as good a year later as it did the day you covered it. Furthermore, silicone carbide coating is less likely to peel or crack over time and outlives grip tape by an extended margin.

Silicon carbide (SiC) is an extremely hard chemical compound consisting of silicon and carbon. Naturally found as the rare mineral moissanite, silicon carbide has been mass produced as an abrasive since 1893 for use in applications requiring high durability such as car brakes and clutches, ceramic plates for bulletproof vests, as well as being applied to aluminium plates as a paste before being printed onto paper with roller. The material has also been utilized in carborundum printing – an ancient collagraph printmaking technique in which granules applied as paste then printed directly onto paper using roller.

It adds strength

Silicon carbide is one of the hardest materials on Earth. With high hardness and low thermal expansion rates, as well as excellent abrasion resistance and excellent hardness retention properties, silicon carbide makes an excellent material choice for gun grips. Stippling offers one solution for increasing friction between hands and pistol frames; chalk or grip tape cannot compare in terms of durability and long term use.

Grip tape may be cost-effective, but eventually wears away and starts looking uneven. Carborundum may cost more but lasts longer and looks more professional; its durable coating also won’t wear away quickly like its counterpart stippling does.

Before applying a silicon carbide grip treatment, it’s essential that the item you’re covering is free of oil, dirt and grime. Once this step has been completed, epoxy should be applied. Once the epoxy has set sufficiently thickly enough, start sprinkling silicon carbide powder across its surface – taking care not to touch areas not intended to be coated!

Once the epoxy has set, you’re ready to experience your new grip! You’ll find that it is much simpler and safer to use than traditional grip tape, not falling off as easily and providing more secure handling so you’re less likely to lose your firearm in an accidental drop.

Silicon carbide not only increases gripping surface friction, but it also adds strength. This feature is especially beneficial if using your gun for combat-style shooting in tactical or gloved conditions; due to its hardness, silicon carbide also offers some protection from impacts and shear forces.

Silicon carbide comes in various grits. Our 120-grit texture resembles 120-grit sandpaper and provides a medium-aggressive surface, perfect for competition shooting and concealed carry. For those concerned about their grip, 60-grit silver surfaces might provide more suitable alternatives.

It’s cheaper than stippling

Silicone carbide can provide competitive shooters with an effective grip solution at a much more reasonable cost than traditional stippling techniques, and can even be applied directly onto metal and plastic materials – plus there is even variety when it comes to textures!

Silicon Carbide is a hard and resilient abrasive material, often used as an industrial grit surface similar to super sandpaper for industrial grinding tools. Silicon Carbide makes an effective gripping surface, lasting long under heavy use while offering gripping feel similar to that provided by stippled guns.

Stippling is an increasingly popular way to improve grip on firearms. Stippling creates an aggressive texture that aids recoil and makes for easier maintenance when wearing gloves; however, this method won’t remain permanent; eventually it wears away or succumbs to humidity or rainfall and becomes slippery compared to an untextured gun.

Add stippling to your gun in three straightforward steps. First, apply epoxy to the area you wish to stipple. Next, carefully apply stippling using your fingertips on top of the surface. When complete, allow the epoxy to dry for at least half an hour; be sure to wear gloves while handling your gun during this process to prevent it from adhering directly onto skin and causing discomfort or injury.

Another alternative to stippling is installing rubber, G10 or skateboard-style grip panels onto pistols for more grippy handling – typically more so than standard factory grips but less so than silicone carbide grips. They’re easily available pre-cut in pistol form on the market for relatively cheap.

If you need help applying your new grips, consider purchasing a kit which includes pre-cut grip tape and silicone carbide powder. Such kits will save both time and money when trying to create professional-looking results, with options being found both online and at stores – some even come equipped with perforated tape to prevent air bubbles during application!

It’s durable

Silicon carbide grip’s durability is one of its greatest draws, being both tough and versatile enough to adhere to various surfaces, such as metal. Furthermore, its thermal expansion coefficient is low so it can withstand high temperatures – hence why astronomical telescope mirrors, such as Herschel Space Telescope mirrors are frequently made using silicon carbide grip. Furthermore, precision components that require tight tolerances can also benefit from its use.

Silicone carbide grip not only enhances grip strength, but it’s also resistant to chemicals and heat. With a hardness of 8.5 on the Mohs scale – much harder than other materials such as rubber or G10 – silicone carbide grip is much more durable and easy to clean compared to others such as rubber or G10. This durability is particularly vital in tactical settings where firearms must withstand elements like rain or mud.

Silicon carbide grip treatments are much less costly than other options for increasing friction between your hand and gun’s grip, such as grip tape, talon grips and stippling. While these methods do have their uses, competition shooting often makes these less than ideal as they peel, don’t offer enough friction and may cost too much if competing professionally. Silicon carbide treatments provide far greater friction.

Those serious about their pistols must treat them with great care, including maintaining a quality grip which unlocks their full potential. There are various methods for increasing friction between hands and gun, but nothing compares with silicone carbide grips for increasing friction levels between your hands and gun.

Silicon carbide grips come in various varieties, each offering its own texture and feel. Black varieties resemble 120-grit sandpaper while silver ones resemble 60 grit; both options can be equally effective, so make sure that you select one suitable for your needs before making a selection decision.

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