The Synthesis of Silicon Carbide

Silicon carbide is one of the hardest materials on Earth, second only to diamond. Naturally occurring only in moissanite jewels and limited amounts found in certain meteorites and corundum deposits, silicon carbide must be created on an industrial scale for widespread production.

Municipal solid waste (MSW) can provide an abundant source of carbon and silicon. In this paper, it is investigated if MSW-derived waste materials can be utilized in synthesizing porous b-SiC.


Silicon carbide (SiC) is an advanced ceramic that is found both in space and on earth, but often goes unnoticed by humans. Sometimes referred to as moissanite after its discovery by French chemist Henri Moissan in 1893 while studying meteorite rocks, SiC has many impressive properties such as high thermal conductivity, low thermal expansion and excellent chemical inertness – making it an appealing candidate for use as a space material or in industrial settings.

SiC produced today is predominantly synthetic and used in various industrial applications ranging from sandblasting techniques to automobile brake discs. Furthermore, SiC is also used extensively as an essential component in modern electronics such as semiconductors, field-effect transistors, and supercapacitors1.1

SiC is a polymorph, meaning it comes in various forms with differing physical properties. While most forms are amorphous, crystalline forms do exist. There are various processes available to create crystalline silicon carbide from an amorphous precursor material; such as calcination, microwave sintering and carbothermal redox reaction.

Calcination is a thermochemical process in which solid chemical compounds are heated at high temperatures without melting under controlled and limited oxygen supplies, leading to the removal of volatile substances and decomposition of compounds. Once completed, this material must then be allowed to cool slowly so as to avoid reactions or structural changes that would alter its final shape or structure.

Calcination to produce amorphous silicon carbide often causes its spherical particles to coalesce during carbothermal reduction, producing unfavorable morphologies. To avoid this issue, the precursor’s stoichiometry and porosity must be tuned carefully; adding 3 weight percent lanthanum significantly lowers activation energy of carbothermal reduction reactions.

Carothermal reduction transforms spherical amorphous precursor into cubic, hexagonal and rhombohedral SiC. Stoichiometry and porosity determine its shape; other characteristics include its tensile strength, electrical conductivity and melting point.

SiC can be further processed into various products, some useful as abrasives while others having more practical applications like catalysts and biomaterials. This is made possible due to its extreme hardness, high thermal conductivity and chemical inertness – qualities which allow further processing to yield many different end products from this amorphous material.

Carbothermal Redox Reaction

The carbothermal redox reaction is a promising method for producing silicon carbide. It offers several advantages over ball milling technology and hydrothermal methods, including easier preparation procedures and reduced chemical use. Furthermore, the carbothermal redox reaction produces high-quality b-SiC that can be used in many applications: producing silicon oxide for catalysis supports and membranes as well as nano-structure SiC for high temperature turbine engines/automobile engines field emission displays and nanosensors are just some examples.

Starting materials play an essential role in the successful carbothermal reduction of SS particles. Our starting material was evaluated through X-ray diffraction, differential thermal gravimetry (DTG), Raman spectroscopy and SEM imaging methods. The characterization results demonstrated that the SS particles were coated with a layer of carbon, encasing silicon dioxide particles while still maintaining sufficient contact with CS particles and maintaining sufficient contact with them – this ensured sulfate would be converted to sulfide which would then bind itself onto carbon surface while simultaneously being bound tightly onto carbon surface thus further decreasing concentration within pyrolysis solution solution further reducing sulfate concentration within solution solution further reducing concentration within solution pyrolysis solution.

A variety of synthesis parameters were investigated to optimize the carbothermal reduction process. C/Si molar ratio, ball milling time and pyrolysis temperature all played key roles in shaping the morphology of b-SiC powders produced. X-ray diffraction confirmed their whisker-like shape while low oxygen levels compared to commercial micron-sized SiC powders was observed.

Carothermal redox reactions were used to produce a nanopowder of alpha and beta silicon carbides called b-SiC from Ecklonia Radiata macroalgae and corn stover as starting materials, followed by microwave sintering to generate porous b-SiC with an 863 m2g-1 surface area. Milling for 40 hours prior to microwave sintering increased reaction activity while decreasing temperatures needed for sintering; additionally adding 3 weight percent lanthanum also reduced activation energy while activation energy as well as reduction temperatures.

Microwave Sintering

Microwave heating has recently garnered much interest among material processors due to its lower energy consumption and quick sintering process. Microwaves offer numerous advantages over conventional sintering methods, including higher temperature stability, shortening timeframe and yield. Furthermore, microwaves can be used to heat a range of materials such as ceramics, metals and composites.

Silicon Carbide (SiC) is an advanced ceramic material characterised by covalent bonds, with superior wear resistance, hardness, strength, chemical stability and thermal conductivity properties. Recently there has been much interest in researching SiC for its uses across a range of fields.

Plastic can be found in many applications, from gas filters and power devices to catalyst supports and gas leak detectors. Furthermore, its corrosion-resistance makes it an invaluable and cost-effective material choice with endless uses.

SiC can be created through several different processes, including calcination, carbothermal redox reaction, microwave sintering and detonation. Microwave sintering is one of the more popular techniques used to produce high-grade SiC; during this procedure powdered material is placed in a microwave sintering chamber and heated using microwave radiation, producing dense and homogenous structures without porosity as its end product.

This sintering process can produce high-quality SiC components faster than traditional methods, with complex shapes and high-quality grain structures made possible, as well as controlling sintering rates more precisely. Furthermore, this approach is both environmentally friendly and safe as no toxic chemicals are required in its production process.

At present, various microwave sintering systems exist, with electromagnetic wave-based systems being the most frequently employed. This setup consists of an electromagnetic wave-based system comprised of dense alumina tiles in a chamber, a magnetic susceptor and microwave generator; with the magnetic susceptor acting as load while the latter produces strong electromagnetic fields that interact with powdered materials.

Microwave-sintering systems can be tailored to meet the individual needs of users, from producing single or multiphase products, adjusting microwave wavelength, to creating various morphologies such as granular, amorphous or crystalline structures.


Detonation is an acoustic-electric shock wave which causes material to explode when it absorbs more energy than its elastic potential. Critical energy for detonating cylindrical, planar, or spherical materials is proportional to their diameter cube; powdered materials’ detonation energy can be controlled by altering particle size and density within their feedstock feedstock feedstocks.

Silicon carbide is one of the hardest abrasives available, second only to diamond and cubic boron nitride in terms of hardness. Due to this material’s superior hardness performance, silicon carbide finds use across industries including electronics product grinding, refractory materials modification, coating plastic modification and military aviation. Unfortunately, silicon carbon can become unstable when exposed to higher temperatures resulting in its being fragile and easily breaking apart.

Researchers have studied detonation synthesis of silicon carbide as a solution, which allows researchers to tailor chemical composition and adjust feedstock sizes without resorting to complex systems for safety. Furthermore, it offers significant cost savings over traditional manufacturing techniques and allows greater precision.

Numerous experimental parameters influence the formation of detonation-induced silicon carbide, including RDX:TNT ratio, additive concentration and fine Si addition. A factorial design of experiments was utilized to examine these effects on detonation parameters observed by rate stick plate densimeter tests as well as condensed silicon-based phases observed during detonation synthesis tests. Results demonstrated that increasing both variables results in greater amounts of detonation soot with decreased residual concentration of silicon.

Notably, lean mixtures can demonstrate galloping detonation – characterized by regular pulsations in front speed and pressure local maxima – as evidenced by galloping detonation, an effect which depends on both its reactivity and diluent nature. Pulsation frequency correlates to its limit value at explosion pressure.

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