Vlastnosti karbidu křemíku

Silicon carbide (SiC) is an innovative industrial material, serving both as ceramic and semiconductor properties. As one of the hardest known substances – competing against materials like diamond and boron carbide – silicon carbide has long been prized as an investment material.

SiC grains and powders have many applications in a wide variety of industries, from abrasive blasting, coated abrasives, cutting tools, bulletproof vest structural material and automobile brake disk structures, all the way through to mirror material for some astronomical telescopes.

Elektrická vodivost

Silicon carbide boasts remarkable electrical properties as a material. As both a semiconductor and metal, its versatility extends across applications from electronic components and heaters to machining tools. Silicon carbide’s superior electrical conductivity stems largely from its covalent structure: in its crystal form, pairs of silicon and carbon atoms share electrons via sp3 hybrid orbitals to form primary coordination tetrahedra; these bonds are extremely strong with bond energy greater than diamond’s (3.6eV).

Silicon carbide’s covalent structure gives it wide band-gap semiconductor properties, permitting electrons and holes to freely move across its material surface, which enables currents to form, transfer energy efficiently and form currents, making it a versatile component in high temperature devices such as power semiconductors.

SiC is known for its superior electrical conductivity, chemical resistance and durability in demanding environments. It boasts an outstanding fracture toughness rating of 6.8 MPa m0.5 which indicates its ability to resist crack propagation under stress conditions; additionally it boasts an outstanding flexural strength of 490 MPa making it one of the hardest materials known to man and an impressive hardness rating of 32 GPa for added abrasion resistance.

Silicon carbide, while an electrical insulator by nature, can be transformed into a semiconductor through controlled addition of impurities known as dopants that create free charge carriers and alter energy levels in its crystal structure. Aluminum and boron dopants produce P-type semiconductors while nitrogen and phosphorus result in N-type semiconductors.

With its ability to control dopant concentration and doping chemistry, SiC can produce crystal structures with different electrical conductivities ranging from highly insulating to moderately conducting, making SiC silicon carbide a popular choice for use in power electronic components and high temperature devices. SiC can deliver 10x greater breakdown electric field strength at equivalent withstand voltages than silicon does while its low drift layer resistance enhances efficiency of device operations.

Tepelná vodivost

Silicon Carbide stands out among solid materials as one of those with high thermal conductivity, boasting an astounding thermal conductivity rating of 490 W/(mK) at room temperature, comparable to aluminum but much greater than what one would expect due to its rock-like structure. This phenomenon can be attributed to SiC’s low atomic density and close-packed nature; low concentrations of point defects and oxygen impurities also aid this material’s thermal conductivity significantly.

SiC boasts the highest abrasion resistance of all known minerals and is harder than many steels and ceramic materials, making it ideal for industrial manufacturing applications. Furthermore, its resistance to corrosion and oxidation at high temperatures makes it popular with industrialists and manufacturing industries, while its mechanical strength and durability make it suitable for use as abrasives, cutting tools and structural materials – as well as bulletproof vests, bulletproof cells for automobiles, aerospace use as well as fully ceramic microencapsulated fuel cells (B.

Silicon carbide, commonly referred to as silicon carbide, is a naturally occurring mineral known as moissanite that has been mass produced as an industrial chemical for more than one hundred years and used widely across industries and applications. Silicon carbide serves as an abrasive in grinding wheels while creating ceramic bulletproof vests and automobiles, while power electronics use silicon carbide semiconductors with wider band gaps than regular silicon that allow higher switching frequencies at lower resistance allowing more compact yet efficient power conversion systems.

SiC’s high hardness allows it to be utilized in producing wear-resistant refractories for use in manufacturing iron and steel, nonferrous metals, ceramics and energy production. Due to its chemical inertness and resistance to oxidation and degradation at higher temperatures, SiC makes an excellent choice for furnace linings, kiln furniture’s, checker bricks, muffles and troughs used at zinc purification plants.

Silicon carbide’s crystalline nature renders it durable and strong, making it an excellent material choice for use in abrasive products such as grinding wheels. Its hardness surpasses both alumina and diamond in hardness while remaining chemically inert enough to withstand exposure to numerous chemicals and solvents without suffering damage or degradation.

Odolnost proti korozi

Silicon carbide boasts an extremely high Mohs hardness rating of 9, making it far harder than natural stones such as diamond. Furthermore, it is extremely rigid and features a low thermal expansion coefficient – ideal for applications where components need to resist expansion/contraction caused by temperature change.

Sic silicon carbide’s chemical composition also lends it an exceptional corrosion-resistance in harsh environments, including water, alcohol and most organic acids. Furthermore, it is insoluble in water, alcohol and most organic acids – as well as exposure to most gases – making it suitable for use in fluorine or chlorine plasma environments without degradation and etching to surfaces or structures.

SiC is highly sought-after for components used in semiconductor processing, including susceptors and gas distribution plates, due to its excellent abrasion- and chemical-resistance. Furthermore, cutting tools made of SiC have proven highly durable. Furthermore, SiC’s ability to withstand high temperatures while withstanding impact has made it ideal for use as a refractory material in applications in metallurgy, ceramics and nonferrous metal production refractories.

Pure SiC acts as an electrical insulator; however, impurities or doping can be introduced to create semi-conductors that facilitate semi-conductivity and thus allow a current to pass freely without either repelling nor permitting free flow – giving silicon carbide unique properties when compared with refractory ceramics and other materials.

Junty offers both standard and customized SiC products ranging from a-SiC to 4H-SiC polytype grades. Each grade offers its own set of properties and benefits; all offer supreme wear resistance, corrosion resistance, thermal conductivity and elevated performance. Contact us now to discover more of the ways our products can elevate your performance! We take great pride in using cutting-edge technology and advanced manufacturing processes to deliver excellent results to each of our customers; our team of experts is available 24/7 to answer any inquiries and assist in selecting the most suitable product for any given application.


Silicon carbide was accidentally discovered by Edward Acheson in 1891 after heating coal and clay together in an iron pot, and has become one of the most sought-after industrial ceramics due to its excellent thermomechanical properties. Maintaining strength at temperatures as high as 1400degC while being extremely hard (with Mohs hardness rating 13), only second behind diamond and boron carbide in terms of hardness. Furthermore, chemically inert silicon carbide boasts excellent fatigue resistance qualities making it perfect for high stress applications like cutting tools.

Sic silicon carbide boasts not only hardness but also an impressive fracture toughness of 6.8 MPa m0.5 which indicates its ability to withstand crack propagation. Furthermore, its Young’s modulus of 440 GPa indicates its stiffness and ability to retain shape under stress. Furthermore, sic silicon carbide also features low thermal expansion coefficient and is highly abrasion resistant.

Due to its superior thermal and mechanical properties, sic silicon carbide finds widespread application across numerous industries and applications, from abrasive cutting tools and structural materials (bulletproof vests/ composite armor) to automobile components like brake disks. Furthermore, high temperature refractories for burners/ muffles/ kiln walls also utilize this material.

Sic silicon carbide stands to revolutionize power electronics, an essential technology of modern life. As a wide bandgap semiconductor with one of the highest breakdown electric fields among semiconductor materials, sic silicon carbide enables smaller and faster power switches with lower conduction resistance at high frequencies for increased efficiency and less energy loss.

SiC Silicon Carbide is an extremely durable material, resistant to chemical attack and can safely be used in harsh environments such as molten salts, acids and alkalis. Due to its abrasion resistance it makes an excellent material for metal fabrication requiring cutting and grinding operations; similarly it is an excellent material for high tech processes requiring semiconductor manufacturing where oxidation could compromise functionality and safety; its robust nature also lends it itself to use in high voltage environments that require shock resistance such as kilns, furnaces or any electrical insulators requiring shock resistance shock resistant properties; particularly true is its use within electrical insulators such as kilns furnaces or other electrical insulators

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