Nitride Bonded Silicon Carbide

Nitride-bonded silicon carbide boasts superior wear, thermal shock and corrosion resistance as well as low thermal conductivity. Making Nitride Bonded Silicon Carbide requires mixing raw batch solids with a vehicle, then casting, pouring or injection molding them. After drying and firing the green body produced is dry bonded silicon carbide refractory articles are produced. NITRON(tm) …

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Silicon Carbide Hardness

Silicon Carbide is one of the hardest common abrasives, scoring an 8.5 on Mohs’ scale and hard enough to outdo sapphire and diamond, though less so than boron carbide. Ceramic material offers several applications, from refractory linings and grinding wheels to cutting tools and bulletproof vests and tank armor. It boasts excellent thermal conductivity as …

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High Temperature Applications of Silicon Carbide

Silicon carbide is an ideal material for high temperature applications. It occurs naturally as moissanite jewels and corundum deposits in corundum deposits and kimberlite. Hard and strong, titanium alloy is known to resist oxidation, creep and wear as well as being easily machineable with thermal conductivity properties that make it an excellent candidate for fabrication …

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Silicon Carbide – A Key Technology Material

Silicon carbide has recently made a resurgence as an important technology material. Once used primarily as an abrasive and in industrial furnaces, SiC is now used in long-lasting mechanical parts and ceramic products. Sintered (SiC) material is a self-bonded, hard and durable substance made by heating silicon and carbon atoms together into a tetrahedral structure. …

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Silicon Carbide Nozzle

Silicon carbide nozzles are indispensable components in industrial equipment production lines, and must withstand high temperatures, pressures and corrosion environments without experiencing damage. Chemically inert and designed for use with various abrasive materials, it reduces waste and downtime while helping increase efficiency and productivity. This long venturi design sandblasting nozzle with lightweight acetal jacket and …

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Какво представлява силициевият карбид?

Silicon carbide (SiC) is an extremely hard material measured on the Mohs scale, first discovered as a transparent mineral known as moissanite in Arizona’s Canyon Diablo meteor crater in 1893. Ceramic fibers are created by placing silica sand and coke into an electrical resistance-type furnace and heated at high resistance levels until their composition transforms …

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Silicon Carbide Plate

Silicon carbide plate is an extremely durable refractory ceramic material with outstanding mechanical, thermal and chemical properties that makes it suitable for numerous industrial applications including armor and ballistic protection, cutting tools and wear-resistant components. Produced by grinding silica sand and mixing it with carbon powder in the presence of non-oxide sintering aids to form …

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Силициев карбид Grit

Черният силициев карбид е отличен абразивен материал за барабани за камъни поради твърдата си, издръжлива повърхност, която ефективно отстранява грубите ръбове на камъните. Твърдите ъглови структури на този материал позволяват по-кратко време за бластиране в сравнение с по-крехките, меки материали като кафяв разтопен алуминиев оксид. Освен това твърдата му ъглова структура позволява многократна употреба, тъй като ...

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Зелен силициев карбид за шлифоване на Allied

Зеленият шлифовъчен камък от силициев карбид на Allied е абразивен материал, предназначен за бързо рязане на цветни метали, с твърди, остри и крехки зърна, които режат бързо. Този тип камък има отворена или пореста структура, която улеснява ефективното отстраняване на стружките по време на шлифовъчните операции, както и е машинно балансиран за работа без вибрации. Високи ...

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Циркониева топка

Циркониевите сачми се отличават с изключителна здравина, издръжливост и устойчивост на корозия - качества, които ги правят идеалното решение за смилане и разпръскване на неметални минерални материали като бои и печатарско мастило, както и на електронни или магнитни материали. Циркониевите топчета могат да се произвеждат чрез синтероване. Конвенционалните техники обаче често водят до ниска плътност, дължаща се на триене и ...

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