Силициево-карбидни захранващи модули

Силовите модули от силициев карбид (SiC) предлагат революционни нови решения за приложения за захранване, като осигуряват по-голяма ефективност на системата по отношение на размера, теглото и форм-фактора. Техните по-високи работни температури, по-бързи честоти на превключване и по-малки магнити намаляват значително разходите за системата. Vincotech се справя с това предизвикателство с усъвършенствана технология за щамповане, за да смекчи механичните свойства на SiC, които намаляват неговата ...

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Silicon Carbide Sanding Discs

Silicon carbide sanding discs offer fine finishes on woodworking projects thanks to their durable yet effective abrasive properties, with minimal grit degradation over time compared to aluminum oxide sandpapers. Selecting an abrasive for your task depends on its requirements and material properties, which include price-efficiency, versatility and aggressive cutting power – qualities silicon carbide sandpaper …

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Керамика ли е силициевият карбид?

Silicon carbide, more commonly referred to as carborundum, offers superior heat resistance and maintains high mechanical strength at temperatures reaching 1400degC. Furthermore, its extreme hardness, fatigue resistance and chemical stability in aggressive environments are hallmarks of excellence for any material. SiC was first synthesized artificially in 1891 by Edward Acheson when he discovered small black …

Керамика ли е силициевият карбид? Прочетете повече “

Coherent Closes $1 Billion Investment in Silicon Carbide Substrates

Coherent has announced that Japan-based DENSO and Mitsubishi Electric will jointly invest $1 billion into its SiC substrate business, creating a subsidiary offering 150 mm and 200 mm SiC substrates as well as epitaxial wafers. SiC is an attractive material for power semiconductors as it can reduce power loss while operating at higher temperatures than …

Coherent Closes $1 Billion Investment in Silicon Carbide Substrates Прочетете повече “

Какво представлява силициевият карбид?

Silicon carbide, more commonly referred to as Carborundum, is an extremely hard chemical compound with properties of both metal and insulator at different temperatures. Used in industrial applications requiring long lasting applications. Green SiC is an extremely hard and corrosion resistant ceramic material first synthesized by Edward Acheson in 1891 through the combined heating of …

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Silicon Carbide Abrasive

Silicon carbide, more commonly referred to as corundum, is an extremely hard abrasive material used for grinding and polishing metal specimens. SBM is more cost-effective than diamond and cubic boron nitride, yet maintains higher strength at elevated temperatures than many ceramic materials. Available in various grit sizes from coarse to fine, making it suitable for …

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Silicon Carbide News For E-Mobility

While semiconductor executives lament slow demand and excess inventories, one sector appears to be resilient: silicon carbide power circuits used in electric vehicles. But companies looking to capitalize on this market could run into complications as they transition to 200 mm wafers, prompting shares of Wolfspeed and STM to fall this week. Power Semiconductor Power …

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Silicon Carbide Diamond

Silicon carbide diamond is an exceptional material with exceptional wear resistance that is particularly appealing for applications involving wear resistance. Production can take place without pressure by infiltrating porous carbon bonded diamond preforms with liquid silicon. The infiltration process results in the formation of a dense graphitic layer at the diamond/silicon interface that offers exceptional …

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Силициев карбид Whisker

Силициевият карбид е монокристално влакно с наноразмери, което се отличава с кристална структура без дефекти и отлична химическа устойчивост и се използва предимно за укрепване на метални, керамични и полимерни композитни материали и за повишаване на якостта при разрушаване. След калциниране, b-SiC усойницата показва значително подобрение по отношение на елиминирането на дефектите на подреждане и появата на ядра за растеж на зърната, като се образуват големи таблични a-SiC зърна ...

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