ما هو كربيد السيليكون؟

Silicon carbide is a hard material commonly used for abrasive machining applications like grinding, honing and water-jet cutting. Additionally, silicon carbide plays an integral part in diodes and transistors of electronic devices – often appearing as yellow to green to bluish-black crystals that sparkle iridescence.

Edward Acheson made the discovery of SiC in 1891 while trying to synthesize artificial diamonds by infusing clay with carbon under electric heating; he named the resultant material Carborundum.

It is a ceramic

Silicon carbide (SiC) is an extremely hard material with numerous applications. As a synthetic compound composed of silicon and carbon atoms held together with strong covalent bonds in its crystal lattice structure, SiC offers excellent physical characteristics suitable for cutting, grinding and polishing processes as it has hard, brittle surfaces held together with strong covalent bonds within its crystal lattice. As it has excellent chemical stability and oxidation resistance as well as being heat shock and mechanical stress resistant – SiC can even be used safely for food processing applications!

Produced using quartz sand and petroleum coke in a resistance furnace, silicon carbide (SiC) can be divided into two distinct varieties based on color: black SiC and green SiC. Furthermore, SiSiC (silicon infiltrated silicon carbide) offers ideal high-volume production of components.

SiC is distinguished by its exceptional resistance to oxidation, strength at elevated temperatures, chemical stability, thermal shock resistance and low coefficient of expansion. Furthermore, SiC makes for an excellent electrical insulator; its voltage resistance is 10 times greater than aluminum nitride and performs better in systems operating at high voltages.

Silicon carbide ceramics find widespread applications across several fields: from abrasives and wear-resistant parts due to their hardness, to refractories and ceramics for their heat resistance, low thermal expansion rate, chemical stability and electronics for their superior semiconductor properties. Silicon carbide ceramics have even been utilized as armor in bulletproof vests as well as sealants on pump shafts running at high speeds – or used for sealants in pump shaft sealants!

It is a semiconductor

Silicon carbide semiconductors boast several advantages over silicon-based devices, particularly their wide bandgap that enables more efficient transference of electrical energy compared to their silicon counterparts. As such, silicon carbide makes an excellent material choice for power electronics such as DC/DC converters found in electric vehicles or air conditioners.

Realizing high performance SiC-based power devices requires an unmatched set of manufacturing and processing skills. This requires correct sizing of material variants for specific applications as well as understanding tradeoffs between cooling requirements and material costs. Furthermore, understanding how different materials perform under various environmental and conditions is also vital.

Silicon carbide’s wide bandgap allows electrons to quickly pass from its valence band into its conduction band, making it an excellent semiconductor material that’s relatively affordable and straightforward to produce.

Silicon carbide has long been used in multiple applications, including abrasives and wear-resistant parts. Refractory linings contain silicon carbide as electrode material for furnaces. Due to its extreme hardness and resistance to shock and heat, silicon carbide stands as the hardest nonoxide ceramic ceramic in terms of hardness; only boron carbide and diamond surpass it.

Silicon carbide is produced by heating a mixture of clay and powdered coke in an iron bowl using an ordinary carbon arc lamp, a method invented by Edward Acheson in 1891 and still the primary method today. This produces bright green crystals with hardness approaching that of diamond, known as moissanite gemstones.

It is a hard material

Silicon carbide is an extremely hard material with numerous industrial uses. Boasting a Mohs hardness of 9, it’s highly resistant to chemical reactions while boasting useful qualities as an electrical conductor and semiconductor, making silicon carbide an invaluable material in products requiring high reliability and efficiency such as abrasives, steel additives, refractories as well as electronics.

Produced by passing an electric current through a mixture of pure silica sand and carbon in an electrical resistance-type furnace, silica fume can be made into a solid compound of silicon and carbon that can then be crushed to be used as an abrasive or sintered into crystals for use as hard materials. Furthermore, noncrystalline refractory ceramic fibers made with silica fume can also be produced for thermal insulation and friction products.

Silicon carbide’s superior thermal stability enables it to thrive for extended periods in acid, alkali and oxidative environments – such as acids or alkalines – making it suitable for high performance applications in areas like metallurgy, refractories and aerospace. Due to its low thermal expansion it also makes an excellent material choice for rigid telescope mirrors required to withstand high temperatures such as astronomical telescope mirrors. Unfortunately it poses many hazards which could endanger those working directly with it; studies indicate those manufacturing silicon carbide or using carborundum abrasives run the risk of diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis disease which increases their chances.

It is an abrasive

Silicon carbide abrasive material is widely utilized for various machining operations, particularly lapidary work due to its durability and cost. Silicon carbide can also be utilized for grinding, water-jet cutting and sand blasting processes – just to name a few!

Carborundum (/karbrndm/), also referred to as silicon carbide, occurs naturally only in extremely rare moissanite minerals; however, mass production began in 1893 for use as an abrasive. Sintering can fuse grains of silicon carbide together into very hard ceramics used in applications requiring high endurance such as car brakes and clutches or bulletproof vest ceramic plates.

Brown aluminum oxide is an affordable blasting choice, though its lifespan does not compare with silicon carbide’s. Furthermore, its less resistant to impact and faster wear make it less suitable than standard grits for blasting metals, ceramics or hard non-metals like porcelain tiles or hard non-metals such as stone.

Acheson Process Silicon Carbide Production for use in the abrasives, metallurgical and refractories industries is one of the most frequently employed manufacturing methods of SiC. This begins by mixing quartz sand with petroleum coke refined in an electrical resistance furnace; electric current then runs through carbon conductor to generate chemical reactions which lead to SiC formation.
